Workshop: GA_3.13 Stay relevant. Stay ahead! Mastering your Social Media Presence - Details

Workshop: GA_3.13 Stay relevant. Stay ahead! Mastering your Social Media Presence - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Workshop: GA_3.13 Stay relevant. Stay ahead! Mastering your Social Media Presence
Veranstaltungsnummer GA_3.13
Semester SoSe2022
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 4
Heimat-Einrichtung Graduiertenakademie
Veranstaltungstyp Workshop in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Donnerstag, 23.06.2022 09:00 - 17:00, Ort: (t.b.a.)
Lehrsprache --

Räume und Zeiten

Donnerstag, 23.06.2022 - Freitag, 24.06.2022 09:00 - 17:00


This seminar enables the students to understand the relevant social media business and career platforms LinkedIn, XING & Twitter. The participants learn how to present themselves professionally online, how to grow their network effectively and gain a feeling for their digital visibility and personal brand. After this seminar, the students know how to create coherent digital profiles on LinkedIn, XING and Twitter. They are prepared for their professional future.

• Introduction to the business platforms LinkedIn, XING and Twitter
• Mastering your personal branding: How do I present myself professionally and stand out amongst the crowd?
• Everything you need to write your profile slogan that reflects your personality, talents and accomplishments
• How to handle pictures, content and creative storytelling
• How to create engaging content
• Social media etiquette: digital manners
• How to build and grow your network
• Feedbacks on existing LinkedIn, XING and Twitter profiles
• Clarify individual questions

Target Group
The seminar is suitable for students taking their first steps into social media and advanced students who want to learn more and get professional feedback.

Registration only via the website of the Graduate Academy:


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