Vorlesung: 6.02.150_2.1 Psychological interventions within the framework of evidence-based treatment of acquired dysfunctions of brain - Details

Vorlesung: 6.02.150_2.1 Psychological interventions within the framework of evidence-based treatment of acquired dysfunctions of brain - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung: 6.02.150_2.1 Psychological interventions within the framework of evidence-based treatment of acquired dysfunctions of brain
Veranstaltungsnummer 6.02.150_2.1
Semester SoSe2020
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 18
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 40
Heimat-Einrichtung Department für Psychologie
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Donnerstag, 23.04.2020 18:00 - 20:00, Ort: A07 0-031
Lehrsprache deutsch

Räume und Zeiten

A07 0-031
Donnerstag: 18:00 - 20:00, wöchentlich (12x)


The course “Psychological interventions within the framework of evidence-based medicine” (psy150, Clinical Psychology, part 2) consists of two different parts: Part 2.1 runs Thursday 16-18h throughout the entire semester. This part is mostly taught in German.
Study material in English will be provided in Stud.IP.
Presentations can be given in English.


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