Vorlesung: 5.06.301 Solar Energy Systems - Electric and Thermal II - Details

Vorlesung: 5.06.301 Solar Energy Systems - Electric and Thermal II - Details

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Veranstaltungsname Vorlesung: 5.06.301 Solar Energy Systems - Electric and Thermal II
Veranstaltungsnummer 5.06.301
Semester SoSe2017
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 13
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 40
Heimat-Einrichtung Institut für Physik
Veranstaltungstyp Vorlesung in der Kategorie Lehre
Erster Termin Montag, 03.04.2017 08:30 - 12:00, Ort: W32 1-112
Teilnehmende Master Students of
Postgraduate Programme Renewable Energy
European Renewable Energy Agency Masters Programme
Sustainability, Economics and Management
Engineering Physics
all other interested students
Voraussetzungen BSc in Physics, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and related; Admission for Bachelor Engineering Physics students from 4th semester onwards, if the students attended successfully the lecture 5.06.300 Vorlesung: Solar Energy Systems - Electric and Thermal in winter term.
Lernorganisation Lectures

Group Work:
On the spot solution of specific problems related to arising questions.

Problems on the presented systems
Leistungsnachweis to be announced at the first appointment
Lehrsprache englisch
Info-Link http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/physik/PDF/Modulhandbuecher/Modulhandbuch_Fach-Master_Physik_2015.pdf#page=107
ECTS-Punkte 3

Räume und Zeiten

W32 1-112
Montag: 08:30 - 12:00, wöchentlich (11x)




Students gain knowledge on:
• the characteristics of components of solar thermal and photovoltaic systems e.g. solar power conversion, charge controllers, storages, miscellaneous components (pumps, cabling, ...), their individual efficiency, their dynamic behaviour, their cut-in conditions.
• the architecture and operation of different solar thermal and photovoltaic systems
• the system characteristics
• the energy balance of systems
• the sensor system for controlling and monitoring of thermal and electric solar systems.

Students gain skills on
• describing properties of solar system components
• monitoring and evaluating solar system components
• describing solar systems in their operation, their efficiency, their performance parameters

Student’s competence will be
• to compare solar thermal systems to solar electric systems in terms of energy output, type of energy output, cut in radiation and dependencies on meteorological input.
• to compare solar systems to other renewable energy systems in terms of energy output, type of energy output, cut in radiation and dependencies on meteorological input.

On the basis of theoretical knowledge students will be enabled to establish measurement procedures to analyse characteristics of grid connected and stand-alone solar PV systems as well as solar thermal systems. They are skilled to apply standard physical and mathematical formulae to evaluate solar systems. At the end of Solar Energy I and Solar Energy II they will have gained understanding in energy transfer paths and energy loss principles for radiative energy. Students will have gained the competence to analyse and critical review data from solar systems – both electrical and thermal.

Components: Description of solar system’s components in stationary and dynamic operation:
• their functioning,
• the different technologies,
• the state of the art
• their characteristics and working points

  • Photovoltaics (PV): PV-cells, generator, charge controller, inverter, storage (batteries) miscellaneous components (cabling, generator stand, electric protection)
  • Solarthermal: Collectors (flat plate, vacuum tube, concentrating systems), thermal storage, charge controller, miscellaneous components (circulation pumps, piping, heat insulation)

Systems: Description of systems in stationary and dynamic operation
• technical setup
• interaction of components
• energy output
• loss mechanisms

  • Photovoltaic Systems: PV stand-alone systems, PV grid connected systems, photovoltaic pumping systems, hybrid systems
  • Solar Thermal Systems: Domestic hot water supply, heating supporting systems, concentrating solar thermal systems.


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