miscellaneous: 3.02.309 DS Directed Studies - Details

miscellaneous: 3.02.309 DS Directed Studies - Details

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General information

Course name miscellaneous: 3.02.309 DS Directed Studies
Course number 3.02.309
Semester SoSe2017
Current number of participants 2
expected number of participants 8
Home institute Institute of English and American Studies
Courses type miscellaneous in category Teaching
First date Wednesday, 12.04.2017 16:30 - 18:00, Room: (A06 2-212b)
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

(A06 2-212b)
Wednesday, 12.04.2017, Wednesday, 26.04.2017, Wednesday, 10.05.2017, Wednesday, 24.05.2017, Wednesday, 07.06.2017, Wednesday, 21.06.2017, Wednesday, 05.07.2017 16:30 - 18:00

Fields of study

Module assignments


This course is open to all students who are preparing to write or are already in the process of writing their BA and MA theses in American literary and cultural studies. Here, students can develop an exposé in the course of the term, or present the results of their current work on their projects, as well as hone their academic writing skills. The course also offers opportunities to discuss seminal theoretical texts central to the research projects of the participants.
Requirements: regular attendance; development and presentation of an exposé; completion of writing assignments; active participation in class discussions and writing exercises.
Credit points: 3 KP (6 KP as research module).
Schedule: weekly (t.b.a. according to the schedules of the participants).

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
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The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Admission locked.