Lecture: 5.04.3300 b Radiooncology for Medical Physicists II - Details

Lecture: 5.04.3300 b Radiooncology for Medical Physicists II - Details

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General information

Course name Lecture: 5.04.3300 b Radiooncology for Medical Physicists II
Course number 5.04.3300 b
Semester WiSe22/23
Current number of participants 15
expected number of participants 10
Home institute Institute of Physics
participating institutes Medical radiation physics
Courses type Lecture in category Teaching
Participants The students will get a first impression of the clinical application of radiation therapy and radiation planning.
- Tumor Biology and Radiation Biology
- Various modern radiation techniques and biologically based radiation planning
- Patient-related radiation planning and their differences
- Organ-related radiotherapy and its differences
Pre-requisites No previous knowledge necessary; ideal: basic knowledge of physics and mathematics
Performance record Oral Exam
Lehrsprache englisch
ECTS points 3

Rooms and times


In this lecture the basic background of Radiooncology for Medical Physics will be covered. The lecture will be held at the Pius-Hospital Oldenburg in several blocks. Detailed schedule will be announced in May,

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
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  • Admission locked.