Seminar: Scientific Writing and Publishing Workshop - Details

Seminar: Scientific Writing and Publishing Workshop - Details

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Allgemeine Informationen

Veranstaltungsname Seminar: Scientific Writing and Publishing Workshop
Semester SoSe2020
Aktuelle Anzahl der Teilnehmenden 6
erwartete Teilnehmendenanzahl 12
Heimat-Einrichtung Graduate School Science, Medicine & Technology (Oltech)
Veranstaltungstyp Seminar in der Kategorie Lehre
Vorbesprechung Dienstag, 07.07.2020 16:00 - 17:00
Erster Termin Dienstag, 07.07.2020 16:00 - 17:00
Art/Form Workshop
Lehrsprache englisch
ECTS-Punkte 1,5

Räume und Zeiten

Keine Raumangabe
Dienstag, 07.07.2020 16:00 - 17:00
Montag, 13.07.2020 08:30 - 17:30
Dienstag, 14.07.2020 09:00 - 17:00
Mittwoch, 15.07.2020 09:00 - 17:00
Donnerstag, 16.07.2020 09:00 - 17:00
Freitag, 17.07.2020 09:00 - 17:00



The workshop addresses PhD students of the graduate school Oltech.

Each participant is required to have a manuscript that is at least ¾ completed, or already submitted or published in an English-language journal (with or without other authors). A Master’s thesis in English is also acceptable. This document must be sent to (e-mail address will be send to registered participants in advance) at the latest one week before the course begins.

Topics of the workshop:

Part 1: Scientific publishing today
• Structure of scientific papers
• Choosing a journal
• Journal instructions
• Author responsibilities and coordination
• Title, Writing an abstract
• Grammar and paper sections
• Ethics in publishing
• Pitfalls: plagiarism and its consequences; citing and quoting, passive
voice, British or American English. Common errors
• Submitting your manuscript, including letter to the editor
• Choosing possible reviewers
• Responding to reviews
• Posters, conference talks

Part 2. Small group work on participant’s existing manuscripts or papers. How to write in concise, unambiguous and elegant English.

Procedures 2020:
Covid-19 restrictions require that we only meet online using the university’s “Big blue button” system. Part 1 will be held on the first course day, during which we will all meet virtually for the whole day. This will be followed by four days, during each of which three students will participate in working to improve their individual manuscripts for at least two hours each. Which day each participant will take part will be determined in advance in a preparatory online meeting. Any other participants can listen in anytime.

For every participant the amount of mandatory working hours (online) will amount to min. 16 hours + preparation (offline).


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  • Die Anmeldung ist gesperrt.


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Nutzer/-innen, die sich für diese Veranstaltung eintragen möchten, erhalten nähere Hinweise und können sich dann noch gegen eine Teilnahme entscheiden.

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