Seminar: 2.12.042 Ecological Economics - Details

Seminar: 2.12.042 Ecological Economics - Details

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Introduction to the course, Introductory Lecture I: How does Ecological Economics differ from mainstream economics?, Introductory Lecture II: From historical roots to today’s key issues, Analytical concepts: Biophysical boundaries of the economy I: Ecological Footprint [Theme 1], Analytical concepts: Biophysical boundaries of the economy II: Ecosystem Services [Theme 2], No class (day after Himmelfahrt), Analytical concepts: Biophysical boundaries of the economy III Social-ecological Resilience [Theme 3], Analytical concept: Is sustainability weak or strong? On the substitutability of nature [Theme 4], Analytical concepts: Acting in times of surprise and ignorance [Theme 5], Normative concepts: Depicting human behaviour [Theme 6], Normative concepts: Justice in Ecological Economics [Theme 7], Policy implications: Economics of Degrowth [Theme 8], Policy implications: Measuring welfare [Theme 9], Summary, Current Trends & Evaluation

Rooms and times

A05 1-159
Friday: 10:00 - 12:00, weekly (13x)
A05 0-055
Friday, 29.06.2018 08:00 - 10:00

Module assignments


Ecological Economics is concerned with integrating the study and management of "nature's household" (ecology) and "humankind's household" (economics). This integration is central to many of humanity’s current problems and to governing economic activity in a way that promotes human well-being, sustainability, and justice.
The aim of the module “Ecological Economics” is to introduce students to core concepts and policy implications from the field of Ecological Economics. The module is structured into three parts. First, students will be introduced to the topic by two lectures on the specific vision and paradigms of Ecological Economics as distinguished from environmental & resource economics and on the history of Ecological Economics. Second, the students work out and discuss the core analytical concepts (ecological footprint, ecosystem services, social-ecological resilience, substitutability of natural capital, time) as well as the core normative concepts (justice, human behaviour) in Ecological Economics. Third, the students will discuss and reflect certain policy implications following from Ecological Economics – specifically the economics of degrowth and the measurement of welfare. The basis for discussion will be classical and current scientific papers.

Admission settings

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