Lecture: 5.04.4072 Computational Fluid Dynamics I - Details

Lecture: 5.04.4072 Computational Fluid Dynamics I - Details

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General information

Course name Lecture: 5.04.4072 Computational Fluid Dynamics I
Course number 5.04.4072
Semester SoSe2021
Current number of participants 16
expected number of participants 30
Home institute Institute of Physics
Courses type Lecture in category Teaching
First date Tuesday, 13.04.2021 12:15 - 15:45, Room: (online)
Type/Form V
Pre-requisites Fluid Dynamics I recommended
Performance record 1 Klausur oder 1 Referat oder 1 mündliche Prüfung
Lehrsprache englisch
Info-Link http://www.uni-oldenburg.de/fileadmin/user_upload/physik/PDF/Modulhandbuecher/Modulhandbuch_Fach-Master_Physik_2015.pdf#page=43
Miscellanea CFD I & II = 6 CP
ECTS points 6

Rooms and times

Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (7x)

Module assignments


Deeper understanding of the fundamental equations of fluid dynamics.
Overview of numerical methods for the solution of the fundamental equations of fluid dynamics.
Confrontation with complex problems in fluiddynamics.
To become acquainted with different, widely used CFD models that are used to study complex problems in fluid dynamics.
Ability to apply these CFD models to certain defined problems and to critically evaluate the results of numerical models.

CFD I: The Navier-Stokes equations, introduction to numerical methods, finite- differences, finite-volume methods, linear equation systems, turbulent flows, incompressible flows, compressible flows, efficiency and accuracy

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
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  • Admission locked.