Exercises: 3.02.105 Ü Spoken English: English in Britain - Details

Exercises: 3.02.105 Ü Spoken English: English in Britain - Details

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General information

Course name Exercises: 3.02.105 Ü Spoken English: English in Britain
Course number 3.02.105
Semester WiSe15/16
Current number of participants 3
expected number of participants 20
Home institute Institute of English and American Studies
Courses type Exercises in category Teaching
First date Tuesday, 20.10.2015 12:00 - 14:00, Room: A04 4-407
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

A04 4-407
Tuesday: 12:00 - 14:00, weekly (13x)


…” But everyone in Britain talks like the Queen, don’t they?”

Course Description:
In this course students will improve their oral skills by exploring the different English varieties that are spoken in Britain today. The course will also consider the various social, cultural and historical factors that determine such language use and its connection to one’s identity.

  • 15-20 minute oral language test at the end of the semester
  • an individual presentation
  • a group task

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "ang311 Spoken English (Sprachpraxis)".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Admission locked.
  • Admission locked.
  • Admission locked.
  • Admission locked.