Praxisveranstaltung: 5.04.709 Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum Engineering Physics - Details

Praxisveranstaltung: 5.04.709 Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum Engineering Physics - Details

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General information

Course name Praxisveranstaltung: 5.04.709 Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum Engineering Physics
Subtitle Internship/Praxismodul Engineering Physics
Course number 5.04.709
Semester WiSe21/22
Current number of participants 16
expected number of participants 45
Home institute Institute of Physics
Courses type Praxisveranstaltung in category Teaching
Preliminary discussion Tuesday, 26.10.2021 17:00 - 19:00
First date Tuesday, 26.10.2021 17:00 - 19:00, Room: (online)
Type/Form Posterpräsentation
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

Tuesday, 26.10.2021 17:00 - 19:00

Module assignments

  • Campusmanagementsystem Stud.IP
    • Area of specialisation: Practica - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme


Registration: complete "prx108_110_professional_field_internship_practicum_module_engineering_physics.xlsx" (see files).

Usual Dates:
-1st lecture week in winter semester (apart from this semester -> 2nd week).
  • 2nd lecture week in summer semester.

Notes on the practical phase:

1. before starting the practical phase, find a supervisor at the participating universities. List see:
2. search for a practical position. Thematic and temporal linking with the Bachelor Thesis is possible. Two separate examinations are required. More detailed arrangements will be made with the respective supervisors.
3. duration: 2 months
4. recognition:
  • Prepare required documents according to examination regulations (report/poster...) and submit to supervisor for grading. The poster can be graded independently of the presentation.
  • Registration for poster presentation under Stud IP: 5.04.709 Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum Engineering Physcis, fill out file prx108_110 Berufsfeldbezogenes Praktikum_Praxismodul Engineering Physics.
  • (If publication is allowed: upload the poster file under Stud IP 5.04.709 (filename: Name_Supervisor_Semester_Title))
  • Presentation of the poster Dates usually in April (summer semester) and in October (winter semester). Bring poster directly to the event and hand it in afterwards. Explanation of the content (approx. 5 min) and discussion takes place at the poster in changing individual or small groups. (No extra PowerPoint presentation is necessary.) Supervisors from universities and companies are cordially invited.
  • Minimum information on the poster: title, name, email address, course of study, supervisor university & company, logo's of both university & company, size 70cm x 100cm. Posters that have already been presented at conferences may differ.

Service: Poster printing at the HS Emden/Leer

Procedure of the poster presentation:

  • Upload all posters to Stud.IP beforehand
  • 2 - 3 posters will be presented in parallel in breakout rooms: approx. 5 min and subsequent discussion (total 15 min).

  • Hang up poster (pin board and pins are provided).
  • Prepare short explanation (approx. 5 min)
  • Possibly prepare handout/poster in A4 for distribution
  • In a relaxed atmosphere, explain your own poster to individuals or small groups and view other posters yourself.
  • The posters will be collected at the end of the event.

Specification for the online presentation:
The online poster presentation is taking place on Tuesday, October 26, 17:15.

Please arrange the following things at best beforehand:
  • Please drag your name in the area participants in the group "Presenting students", if not done already by me.
  • Upload your poster in the folder "Poster".
  • Fill in the Excel-file and send it to me via email

The procedure:
  • Type in your name, project title, working group/company in the shared notes
  • There will be 2-3 prallel presentations in breakout rooms
  • Those who are not presenting should join a breakout room
  • The auditorium will as well join one of the breakout rooms

How do you present your internship:
  • Share the poster/screen
  • Introduce yourself and the working group/company briefly
  • Explain the aim, theory, methods, experiment, results within 5-10 minutes.
  • The discussion is subsequent and in total the time in the breakout room will be not longer than 20 minutes.
  • Afterwards everyone will be back in the general room and the next 2-3 will present and so on until everone has been able to present at least once.
  • At the end I will ask if there is the wish to go on with the discussion of a specific poster or if anyone like to listen to a specific poster because of a parallel presentation.

There is no deadline for the participation.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
Erzeugt durch den Stud.IP-Support
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Admission locked.