Workshop: GA_3.2 Storytelling Techniques for Scientists (In-Person Event) - Details

Workshop: GA_3.2 Storytelling Techniques for Scientists (In-Person Event) - Details

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General information

Course name Workshop: GA_3.2 Storytelling Techniques for Scientists (In-Person Event)
Subtitle lecturer: Julie Stearns
Course number GA_3.2
Semester WiSe24/25
Current number of participants 12
maximum number of participants 12
Entries on waiting list 6
Home institute Graduiertenakademie
Courses type Workshop in category Teaching
Next date Tuesday, 21.01.2025 09:00 - 17:00, Room: (Schlaues Haus Oldenburg)
Type/Form in person event
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

(Schlaues Haus Oldenburg)
Tuesday, 21.01.2025 - Wednesday, 22.01.2025 09:00 - 17:00

Fields of study

Module assignments


Most presenters are comfortable using a standard presentation structure, but often they
want to try something new. Talks rarely vary from the known to the unknown in a
compelling way and you may want to know how to lead the audience forward to a
memorable conclusion. The workshop introduces unique ways of positioning a topic and
structuring content by exploring and presenting in a variety of story formats. Central
characters, motivation, storyline, action, dramatic tension, transitions and a satisfying
conclusion are aspects of the playful investigation. Presentations are developed, practiced
and presented with coaching and feedback.

This activity-based workshop, led by a theatre professional, provides you with the
opportunity to use storytelling techniques in communicating your research to both scientific
and general audiences. Throughout the workshop, you will be guided through interactive
exercises to improve your language skills and presentation structuring. Ultimately you will
learn storytelling techniques and explore strategies for dynamically communicating and
highlighting your core ideas and research.

  • Position the research with a meaningful and relevant story
  • Tailor the story to the audience
  • Start a story with a strong opening to get the audience involved
  • Create clear and identifiable characters and environment
  • Build suspense with the narrative and move towards a clear aim
  • Economize the language and get to the point
  • Use active language and identify key points
  • Craft the story and build towards a dynamic conclusion

Target group: Doctoral candidates and postdocs

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Zeitgesteuerte Anmeldung: Storytelling Techniques for Scientists (In-Person Event)".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The enrolment is possible from 24.07.2024, 06:00 to 17.01.2025, 23:59.
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats will be assigned in order of enrolment.

Registration mode

The enrolment is binding, participants cannot unsubscribe themselves.