General information
Course name | Lecture: 5.04.4204 Prinzipien der Signalverarbeitung in Hörgeräten |
Subtitle | Schwerpunkt: Akustik und Signalverarbeitung |
Course number | 5.04.4204 |
Semester | WiSe24/25 |
Current number of participants | 11 |
expected number of participants | 25 |
Home institute | Institute of Physics |
Courses type | Lecture in category Teaching |
Next date | Thursday, 23.01.2025 10:00 - 12:00, Room: W03 1-154 |
Type/Form | VL, Se |
Pre-requisites |
- Blockpraktikum „Digitale Signalverarbeitung“ in BSc-Phase - Einführung in die Hörforschung (VL) |
Performance record | Exam or presentation or oral exam or homework or practical report |
Lehrsprache | deutsch |
ECTS points | 3 |