Tutorial: 3.08.015b Tutorium zu mkt013 - Details

Tutorial: 3.08.015b Tutorium zu mkt013 - Details

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General information

Course name Tutorial: 3.08.015b Tutorium zu mkt013
Subtitle N.N.9
Course number 3.08.015b
Semester WiSe24/25
Current number of participants 8
maximum number of participants 15
Home institute Institute of Material Culture
Courses type Tutorial in category Teaching
First date Friday, 25.10.2024 14:15 - 15:45, Room: A02 3-330A (Webraum)
Type/Form T, 0,75 SWS
Lehrsprache deutsch


5 Termine á 2 Stunden

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Beschränkte Teilnehmendenanzahl: Tutorium zu mkt013".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats in the affected courses have been assigned at 08.10.2024 on 15:00. Additional seats may be available via a wait list.