Tutorial: 3.02.495 TUT A closer look at the bigger picture – explorations around a survey lecture: K. Bogat - Details

Tutorial: 3.02.495 TUT A closer look at the bigger picture – explorations around a survey lecture: K. Bogat - Details

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General information

Course name Tutorial: 3.02.495 TUT A closer look at the bigger picture – explorations around a survey lecture: K. Bogat
Course number 3.02.495
Semester SoSe2017
Current number of participants 0
expected number of participants 30
Home institute Institute of English and American Studies
Courses type Tutorial in category Teaching
Lehrsprache deutsch

Rooms and times

Module assignments

  • Campusmanagementsystem Stud.IP
    • English - Master of Education Programme (Vocational and Business Education)
    • English - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education)
    • English Studies - Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme
    • English Studies - Master's Programme
    • Music Studies - Master's Programme
    • Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies - Master's Programme
    • German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language - Master's Programme
    • Germany - Eastern Europe: Cultural Contact in the Past and Present - Master's Programme
    • Language Dynamics: Acquisition, Variation, Change - Master's Programme
    • German Studies - Master's Programme
    • Slavic Studies - Master's Programme
    • Integrated Media - Audiovisual Media in Practice, Theory and Instrumentality - Master's Programme
    • Art and Media Studies - Master's Programme
    • Cultural Analysis - Master's Programme


* If you have any problems registering for this class, please, contact Kirstin Bogat at kirstin.bogat@uol.de *

This course aims to give students the opportunity to reconsider key aspects of literary and cultural studies and their historical contexts. Additionally, it serves as a platform where students may reflect on their studies and enter into a dialogue with their fellow students.
The course will consist of a seven week lecture, accompanied by a tutorial course which will reflect and go beyond the lecture, allowing students to follow up individual aspects according to their own interests. The course therefore provides a space to talk about connections between concepts so as to develop a broader perspective. At the same time, students can review their academic work and benefit from the expertise of their fellow students in discussions about how to do research in certain fields.

The course consists of two parts:
• Part 1, a lecture: re-visiting the seven sessions of the lecture “Historical Background and Critical Concepts”
• Part 2, a tutorial: the tutorial sessions will consider the lectures but will allow students to focus more on their fields of interest while working out overall connections. The precise directions in which they wish to pursue their interests will be up to the participants. In the final part of the semester, once the lecture course is complete, the meetings of the tutorial will serve for reflecting on and developing the added insights and perspectives.

For whom:
This course is situated in the master module ang902 “Modul zur individuellen Profilbildung” and is aimed primarily at students of the MA course English Studies. Space permitting, it will be open to other interested students (M.Ed. or BA).
M.Ed. students will not be able to earn credits in the module.

Here are the options in detail:

For MA English Studies students:
ang902 “Modul zur individuellen Profilbildung:”
(alternatively, the course can be taken as part of ipb611, “Freies Modul” in the “Professionalisierungsbereich” of the English Studies program)
Requirements: students may earn either 3 KP (ungraded, active participation including a brief oral input presentation) or 6 KP (either graded or ungraded, active participation including a brief oral input presentation as well as some written work on the basis of this).
If you plan to take the 6 KP variety, please contact your tutor as well as one of the course leaders (Butler, Kirchhofer) early in the semester to discuss details.

For advanced BA students:
ang622 “Freies Modul:” students may earn 6 KP (graded, active participation including a brief oral input presentation as well as some written work on the basis of this).
If you plan to take this module, please contact your tutor as well as one of the course leaders (Butler, Kirchhofer) early in the semester to discuss details.

BA students currently attending the Basismodul:
should places still be available, the tutorial sessions accompanying the lecture will also be open to interested participants in the current Basismodul. (Note: no extra credit may be gained here.)

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
Erzeugt durch den Stud.IP-Support
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Admission locked.