Workshop: GA 3.30 Artificial Intelligence Tools: Responsible Use and Applications in Research and Academia - Details

Workshop: GA 3.30 Artificial Intelligence Tools: Responsible Use and Applications in Research and Academia - Details

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General information

Course name Workshop: GA 3.30 Artificial Intelligence Tools: Responsible Use and Applications in Research and Academia
Subtitle lecturer: Andrea Sanchini
Course number GA 3.30
Semester SoSe2025
Current number of participants 2
maximum number of participants 20
Home institute Graduiertenakademie
Courses type Workshop in category Teaching
Next date Thursday, 22.05.2025 09:00 - 16:00, Room: (online)
Type/Form online
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

Thursday, 22.05.2025 09:00 - 16:00

Module assignments


The rapid emergence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools has the potential to change the way
researchers work in academia. However, the power and potential of AI tools like
ChatGPT/GPT-4 also present challenges, such as confusion regarding responsible and ethical
use and a lack of proper training for integrating them into research workflows. Addressing
these challenges is crucial to ensure that researchers can fully explore the potential of AI while
maintaining high ethical standards.
This workshop provides a hands-on learning experience with a focus on a wider variety of AI
tools, their ethical implications and their practical applications. The aim is to facilitate the
responsible and efficient use of AI-based tools in research and academia.

target group: doctoral students und Postdocs

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Zeitgesteuerte Anmeldung: Artificial Intelligence Tools: Responsible Use and Applications in Research and Acadmia".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The enrolment is possible from 17.01.2025, 01:02 to 19.05.2025, 23:59.
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats will be assigned in order of enrolment.

Registration mode

The enrolment is binding, participants cannot unsubscribe themselves.