Lecture: 5.12.021 Introduction to environmental sciences - Details

Lecture: 5.12.021 Introduction to environmental sciences - Details

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General information

Course name Lecture: 5.12.021 Introduction to environmental sciences
Subtitle Ringvorlesung
Course number 5.12.021
Semester WiSe24/25
Current number of participants 92
Home institute Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment
participating institutes Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences
Courses type Lecture in category Teaching
Next date Friday, 17.01.2025 10:00 - 13:00, Room: A07 0-030 (Hörsaal G)
Type/Form V, S
Participants Studierende im 1. Semester Umweltwissenschaften (BSc)
Pre-requisites keine
Learning organisation Vorlesung und Seminar/Übung
Lehrsprache deutsch
ECTS points 3