Seminar: 4.05.503 Begleitseminar zur Exkursion Kanu Gr. A / Gr. B - Details

Seminar: 4.05.503 Begleitseminar zur Exkursion Kanu Gr. A / Gr. B - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 4.05.503 Begleitseminar zur Exkursion Kanu Gr. A / Gr. B
Subtitle Theorie und Praxis
Course number 4.05.503
Semester SoSe2024
Current number of participants 14
expected number of participants 40
Home institute Institute of Sport Science
Courses type Seminar in category Teaching
First date Wednesday, 24.04.2024 08:00 - 10:00, Room: S 2-206
Type/Form S, 2 SWS
Lehrsprache deutsch

Rooms and times

S 2-206
Wednesday: 08:00 - 10:00, weekly (9x)
Monday, 12.08.2024 15:00 - 18:00
Wednesday, 04.09.2024 10:00 - 14:00

Module assignments

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Begleitseminar Segeln Kanu Gr. A und Gr. B".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • The enrolment is possible from 18.03.2024, 08:00 to 12.04.2024, 23:59.
  • This setting is active from 18.03.2024 08:00 to 12.04.2024 23:59.
    The enrolment is only allowed for participants of at least one of the following courses:
    • 4.05.503.E Exkursion 3 - Kanu Gr. A (06.09.-15.09.2024) (SoSe2024)
    • 4.05.504 E Exkursion 4 - Kanu Gr. B (14.08.-25.08.2024) (SoSe2024)

Registration mode

After enrolment, participants will manually be selected.

Potential participants are given additional information before enroling to the course.