Workshop: GA_1.29 Paid to research: how to prepare successful funding application (online) - Details

Workshop: GA_1.29 Paid to research: how to prepare successful funding application (online) - Details

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General information

Course name Workshop: GA_1.29 Paid to research: how to prepare successful funding application (online)
Subtitle Trainer: Dr. Matteo Garavoglia
Course number GA_1.29
Semester SoSe2025
Current number of participants 12
maximum number of participants 12
Home institute Graduiertenakademie
Courses type Workshop in category Teaching
Next date Monday, 07.04.2025 09:00 - 18:00, Room: (online)
Type/Form online
Lehrsprache englisch

Rooms and times

Monday, 07.04.2025 09:00 - 18:00
Tuesday, 08.04.2025 09:00 - 16:00

Module assignments


On the first day of the workshop, participants are helped to identify suitable funding sources, to understand what evaluators are looking for when assessing an application, to think strategically about the formal and informal contacts that the applicant might entertain with the funding body in question and, finally, to prepare the structure underpinning the actual writing of their application. On the second day of the workshop, participants meet the trainer through a series of one-to-one meetings. Within this context, they have the opportunity to discuss their specific situation, eventual challenges they are facing and possible ways forward to prepare successful applications through a dedicated tailor-made approach.

Contents in brief:
  • Identifying the most suitable funding bodies.
  • Understanding what evaluators are looking for in an application.
  • Keeping in touch with the funding body (do’s and don’ts).
  • Exploring how to enhance one’s own image to “stick out from the rest”.
  • Structuring the writing of the funding application itself.

Target group: Doctoral and postdoctoral researchers

Please note:
Due to a large number of very short-term cancellations and unannounced absences in the recent past we would like to point out again that registrations for workshops of the Graduate Academy are binding. Cancellations are only acceptable under imperative circumstances and need to be announced as early as possible. If this is not the case, workshop places that have become available cannot be given to individuals on the waiting list or the workshop cannot be cancelled in due course in the case of low demand. In this case high cancellation fees occur. Under these circumstances the offer of the Graduate Academy cannot be held up in the medium term.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Beschränkte Teilnehmendenanzahl: Paid to research: how to prepare successful funding application (Online)".
The following rules apply for the admission:
  • A defined number of seats will be assigned to these courses.
    The seats will be assigned in order of enrolment.

Registration mode

The enrolment is binding, participants cannot unsubscribe themselves.