Seminar: 5.08.394 Geochemisches Seminar - Details

Seminar: 5.08.394 Geochemisches Seminar - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 5.08.394 Geochemisches Seminar
Course number 5.08.394
Semester WiSe17/18
Current number of participants 10
Home institute Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment
Courses type Seminar in category Teaching
First date Tuesday, 24.10.2017 16:00 - 18:00, Room: W15 1-146
Type/Form S
Lehrsprache deutsch
ECTS points 1


Lea Oeljeschläger (Marine Geochemistry): Chemical composition of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the sea surface microlayer (master thesis), Michael Kruge (Montclair State University, USA; Guest Organic Geochemistry): A Complex Legacy Of Contamination In Urban Estuarine Systems, Maurits Halbach (Organic Geochemistry): Quantification of major microplastics after pressurized fluid extraction (master thesis), Timothy Rosenberger (Thünen Institute, Institute of Fisheries Ecology, Hamburg; Organic Geochemistry): Wirkung von 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluol auf Leberenzyme in Ostseefischen (master thesis), Melanie Beck (Microbiogeochemistry): Nutrient and trace element dynamics in the Wadden Sea: The impact of tides and storms, Mareike Gutensohn (Marine Isotope Geochemistry): Processes controlling dissolved rare earth elements in the southern South Pacific (master thesis), Claudia Ehlert (Marine Isotope Geochemistry): Past changes in nutrient supply and utilization in the Southern Ocean from combined assemblage-specific Si and N isotopes in diatom opal, Sebastian Storey (Marine Geochemistry): Photoreactions of dissolved organic matter in the South Pacific Subtropical Gyre (master thesis), Melanie Meyer (Organic Geochemistry): Microplastic occurrence in biota-rich seawater samples of the Southern North Sea - Analysed by µ-FTIR-spectrometry (master thesis), Melanie Beck (Microbiogeochemistry): The trace element Manganese: Tidal/Seasonal dynamics and flux estimates, Andrea Mentges (Marine Geochemistry): Modeling the long-term decomposition of marine dissolved organic carbon through a network of compounds and bacteria

Rooms and times

W15 1-146
Tuesday: 16:00 - 18:00, fortnightly (1x)
Tuesday, 14.11.2017, Tuesday, 28.11.2017, Tuesday, 12.12.2017, Tuesday, 09.01.2018, Tuesday, 23.01.2018 16:00 - 18:00

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
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The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Admission locked.