General information
Course name | Lecture: 5.04.4065 Advanced Wind Energy Meteorology |
Subtitle | |
Course number | 5.04.4065 |
Semester | SoSe2021 |
Current number of participants | 15 |
expected number of participants | 30 |
Home institute | Institute of Physics |
Courses type | Lecture in category Teaching |
First date | Wednesday, 14.04.2021 12:15 - 13:45, Room: (online) |
Type/Form | V |
Pre-requisites | Bachelor-level knowledge of mathematics and fluid physics |
Learning organisation |
After successful completion of the module students should be able to: - assess different aspects of wind energy utilization by modelling, comparison, evaluating of atmospheric wind flow and wind energy potential, - summarize physical processes governing atmospheric wind flows, - value atmospheric boundary layer flow relevant for wind power conversion, - argue methods for wind resource assessment and forecasting Content: I. Meteorological basics for atmospheric flow modeling - Dynamics of horizontal flow - Atmospheric boundary layer - Turbulence II. Atmospheric flow modeling - Numerical modelling techniques - Overview & model classes (linear, RANS, LES, ..) - Large-scale modeling - Meso-scale wind flow modeling - Large eddy simulation of small-scale wind fields III. Applications - Wind farm modeling - Offshore-specific conditions IV. Wind power forecasting V. Wind resource assessment: New European Wind Atlas |
Lehrsprache | englisch |
ECTS points | 3 |