Seminar: 3.02.483 Teaching Advanced EFL Classes - Details

Seminar: 3.02.483 Teaching Advanced EFL Classes - Details

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General information

Course name Seminar: 3.02.483 Teaching Advanced EFL Classes
Course number 3.02.483
Semester SoSe2020
Current number of participants 8
expected number of participants 22
Home institute Institute of English and American Studies
Courses type Seminar in category Teaching
First date Monday, 20.04.2020 16:00 - 18:00
Lehrsprache englisch


First TAE class on 20th April: Defining levels of proficiency, Second TAE class on 27th April: Writing, Textbooks and other resources, TAE class on 11th May: Textbooks for advanced EFL learners, Fifth TAE class on 18th May: Textbooks & essay challenge, Analysis of a learning material

Rooms and times

No room preference
Monday: 16:00 - 18:00, weekly(12x)

Module assignments


This class aims at providing an overview of what teaching advanced EFL classes (B1-B2+) actually involves in terms of lesson preparation and assessment strategies.
Using standardised tests as a starting point to sharpen one`s diagnostic skills, we shall then turn to different types of tasks designed to foster language learning and thus help pupils to reach a higher level on the CEFR scale. Due to the sheer scale of the various skills that need to be fosteredin an average EFL classroom, we shall focus our attention on different learning and teaching materials in order to critically assess whether they are actually fit for purpose. Consequently, designing adequate worksheets, tests and online resources will be the next step in an effort to improve teaching skills and to develop proper units of work (rather than "spur of the moment" teaching). Criteria of successful EFL teaching - both from Germany and the UK - will be applied to all the products designed in class in order to enhance lesson planning expertise. As EFL teachers in Germany are expected to deliver the national (KMK standards) and the regional curriculum (KC Niedersachsen), a rigorous study of the documents in question is required.

By the end of term participants are expected to
-provide a critical evaluation of a teaching resource (mid-term)
-use a (set of) material(s) provided by the lecturer to design a unit of work and lesson plan
-take part in classroom discourse by providing comments and results from academic reading
-be able to critically examine lesson plans against the backdrop of the competence-based approach

All these skills shall be demonstrated and displayed in a portfolio which will be awarded a final grade.

Admission settings

The course is part of admission "Anmeldung gesperrt (global)".
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The following rules apply for the admission:
  • Admission locked.