Module directory - Courses of study from A to Z

Module directory - Courses of study from A to Z

A to Z > German (Supplementary Subject Grundschule) > Erweiterungsfach Grundschule Deutsch
German - Extension subject primary school

Course in course of study Erweiterungsfach Grundschule Deutsch (Supplementary Subject Grundschule)

Category Module Module component
ger010 - Language and Culture Lecture
Tutorial (obligatorisch)
ger020 - Literature and Culture Lecture
Tutorial (obligatorisch)
ger033 - Acquisition and Teaching Lecture
Seminar (und Tutorium (optional))
ger211 - Literary Periods and Works Seminar
Course or exercise
ger221 - Genres, Genre Studies, and Motifs Seminar
Course or exercise
ger231 - Medieval Language and Literature Seminar (2 Veranstaltungen, 2-semestrig)
ger242 - Language and Literacy Learning (Primary Education) Seminar (2 Veranstaltungen)
ger246 - Language and Literacy Learning (Secondary Education) Seminar (2 Veranstaltungen)
ger251 - Grammar of the German Language in the Past and Present Seminar
ger261 - German Pragmatics and Sociolinguistics Seminar
ger271 - German as a Second Language Seminar
ger281 - Media and Media Change Seminar
ger291 - Low German Seminar
ger800 - German Language and Literature Teaching Methodology, including Aspects of Linguistics and Literary Studies Lecture (1 VL Fachdidaktik)
Seminar (1 SE Fachdidaktik)
Course or seminar (1 VL/SE Fachwissenschaft)