Module directory - Courses of study from A to Z

Module directory - Courses of study from A to Z

A to Z > Area of specialisation: Practica (Bachelor's Programme) > Bachelor's Programme Education >
Area of specialisation programs without teaching post - Bachelor's Programme and Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme
Category Module Module component Semester
1 2 3 4 5 6
PP "Iwrit (Modernes Hebräisch)"
pb116 - Modern Hebrew I Seminar            
pb247 - Modern Hebrew II Seminar            
PP "Latein"
pb206 - Introduction to Latin I Seminar            
pb207 - Introduction to Latin II Seminar            
PP "Länderkompetenz Niederlande"
pb101 - Basic Module: Dutch I Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Dutch II Exercises            
PP "Länderkompetenz China"
pb101 - Basic Module: Chinese I Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Chinese II Exercises            
PP "Transkulturelle interreligiöse Studien"
pb361 - Transkulturelle Islamische Studien Seminar            
PP "be.INSTEP - Begleitung Internationaler in der Studieneingangsphase"
pb101 - Basic Module: Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian I Exercises            
pb101 - Basic Module: Chinese I Exercises            
pb101 - Basic Module: Japanese I Exercises            
pb101 - Basic Module: Russian I Exercises            
pb101 - Basic Module: Arabic I Exercises            
pb101 - Basic Module: Dutch I Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Danish II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Polish II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Spanish II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Italian II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Dutch II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Japanese II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Arabic II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Swedish II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Chinese II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: Russian II Exercises            
pb102 - Basic Module: French II Exercises            
pb388 - Sprachbegleitung internationaler Studierender - Deutsch PLUS Seminar            
pb389 - Interkulturelle Begleitung internationaler Studierender - Orientierung PLUS Seminar            
PP "Medieninformatik für Studierende musisch-künstlerischer Fächer"
inf980 - Introduction to Computer Science Lecture o o o o o o
Exercises o o o o o o
PP "Nachhaltigkeit"
pb399 - Current fields of sustainability science Seminar            
PP "Philosophie und Gesellschaft"
pb080 - Philosophy of Society A Seminar o o o o o  
pb081 - Philosophy of Society B Seminar o o o o o  
PP "Textilien und Nachhaltigkeit"
mkt275 - Project Course Unit: Ecology of Textiles, Consumer Protection and Sustainability Course selection (zusätzliche Veranstaltungen)