Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree

Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree

Combinations of field of study and final degree > Master Management of Technology-Enhanced Learning
Management of Technology Enhanced Learning - Master-Studiengang

Course in course of study Master Management of Technology-Enhanced Learning (Master's Programme)

Category Module Module component
mtl105 - Practitioner Research in Technology Enhanced Learning Seminar
mtl110 - Learner Support in Technology Enhanced Learning Seminar
mtl115 - Design of Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl120 - Costs and Economics of Technology Enhanced Learning Seminar
mtl125 - International and Transnational Education Issues in Technology Enhanced Learning Seminar
mtl100 - Principles, Theory, and Practice of Technology Enhanced Learning Seminar
mtl200 - Strategic Management and Educational Leadership in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl205 - Human Resources Management for Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl210 - Organisational Management in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl215 - Management of Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl220 - Change Management and Innovation for Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl225 - Quality Management of Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl230 - Student Life Cycle Management for Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl235 - Managing Diversity in Technology Enhanced Learning Environments Seminar
mtl240 - Advanced Issues in Technology Enhanced Learning Seminar
mam - Master's Thesis Colloquium (Online)