Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree
Category | Module | Module component | Semester | |||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | |||
Pflichtmodule |
päd904 - Educational Research Methods | Lecture | o | o | ||
Seminar | o | o | ||||
päd933 - Organizing and managing educational and social institutions | Lecture | o | ||||
Seminar | o | |||||
päd934 - Diversity of Life Course: Social Conditions, Biographies, and Institutions of Social Work | Lecture | |||||
Seminar | o | |||||
päd935 - Education - Differences - Subject. Basic topics of educational sciences under discussion | Seminar | o | ||||
Lecture | ||||||
päd936 - Aspects of media and culture theory in education | Lecture | o | ||||
Seminar | o | |||||
päd937 - Wissenschaftstheorien und Erziehungswissenschaft | Lecture | o | ||||
Seminar | o | |||||
Spezialisierung Diversitätsbewusste Sozialpädagogik |
päd940 - History and Theories of Social Work | Lecture | ||||
Seminar | o | |||||
päd941 - Reconstructive Social Pedagogy: Case Studies, Case Analysis, Case Work | Lecture | |||||
Seminar | o | |||||
päd942 - Theory Practice Relationship | Seminar | o | o | |||
päd943 - Key Action Areas and Methods | Seminar | o | ||||
Lecture | ||||||
päd945 - Social Policy and Law | Lecture | |||||
Seminar | o | |||||
Spezialisierung Bildungsmanagement und Mediendidaktik im Kontext des lebenslangen Lernens |
päd960 - Instructional Design and Educational Technology | Lecture | ||||
Seminar | + | |||||
päd961 - International Research in Learning Design | Seminar | + | ||||
päd963 - Education Policy and Economics of Education | Seminar | + | ||||
päd965 - Human Resource and Organisational Development in the Context of Lifelong Learning | Lecture | |||||
Seminar | o | |||||
päd964 - Bildungsmanagement in der digitalen Transformation (inkl. Betreuung von Projekten oder Praktika) | Seminar | |||||
Spezialisierung Migration und Bildung |
päd950 - Law, rigthts and politics. Migration societal persepectives | Seminar | o | |||
päd951 - Languages, migration and societal orders | Lecture | o | ||||
Seminar | o | |||||
päd952 - Empirical and theroetical reflections on educational practice | Seminar | o | ||||
Working group | o | o | ||||
päd953 - Pedagogy of the Migration Society - Focused aspects | Seminar | o | ||||
päd955 - Knowledge and Criticism. Pedagogical Professionalism and Migration Reseach | Lecture | |||||
Seminar | o | |||||
Abschlussmodul |
mam - Master´s Thesis Module | Colloquium | o | |||
Seminar | o |