Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree

Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree

Combinations of field of study and final degree > Master of Education Programme (Grundschule) Protestant Theology and Religious Education >
Bildungswissenschaften - Master of Education Programme (Grundschule)
Category Module Module component Semester
1 2 3
prx561 - Practical stage - Preparation, Support and Follow-Up of the School Internship in the first subject Seminar o o  
prx562 - Practical stage - Preparation, Support and Follow-Up of the School Internship in the second subject Seminar o o  
prx565 - Project Report Seminar o o o
prx561 - Preparation, Support and Follow-Up in the Practical Phase in the First Teaching Subject Seminar      
prx561 - Preparation, Support and Follow-Up in the Practical Phase in the First Teaching Subject Seminar      
prx561 - Preparation, Support and Follow-Up in the Practical Phase in the First Teaching Subject Seminar      
prx561 - Preparation, Support and Follow-Up in the Practical Phase in the First Teaching Subject Seminar      
prx566 - Project Report Seminar      
Fachdidaktische Basisqualifikationen
ang805 - Advanced Basic Qualifications in Teaching English Language and Literature Lecture      