Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree
Category | Module | Module component | Semester | |||||
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | |||
PP "Alttestamentliches Hebräisch" |
pb117 - Old Testament Hebrew I | Seminar | ||||||
pb118 - Old Testament Hebrew II | Seminar | |||||||
pb269 - Reading of Hebrew Texts | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Analyse von Fluchtprozessen und Arbeit mit Geflüchteten" |
pb273 - Service Learning: Volunteering to Teach Refugees | Seminar | ||||||
pb274 - Forced Migration - Gendered Perspectives in Theory and Praxis | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Ausbildung zum Forschungstaucher" 0.00 KP |
mar466 - Professional Scientific Diving Course, Part I | Seminar | ||||||
Exercises | ||||||||
mar467 - Professional Scientific Diving Course, Part II | Exercises | |||||||
Seminar | ||||||||
Practical training | ||||||||
PP "Basiswissen Religion" |
pb188 - Religion/Ethics in Discourse | Lecture | ||||||
Seminar | ||||||||
pb189 - Areas of Practice in Religion and Ethics | Practical training | |||||||
PP "Erkennen, Wissen, Begründen" |
pb022 - Epistemology and Philosophy of Science | Seminar | o | o | o | o | o | |
pb036 - Logic | Lecture | o | o | o | o | |||
Tutorial | o | o | o | o | ||||
Seminar | ||||||||
PP "Iwrit (Modernes Hebräisch)" |
pb116 - Modern Hebrew I | Seminar | ||||||
pb247 - Modern Hebrew II | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Jüdische Studien" |
pb265 - Intercultural Jewish Studies | Seminar | ||||||
PP "Kultur und Sprache" |
pb004 - Transdisciplinary Culture and Language I (Focus on Language) | Lecture | o | o | o | |||
Tutorial | o | o | o | |||||
pb005 - Transdisciplinary Culture and Language I (Focus on Culture) | Course or seminar | o | o | |||||
Tutorial | ||||||||
PP "Latein" |
pb206 - Introduction to Latin I | Seminar | ||||||
Tutorial | ||||||||
pb207 - Introduction to Latin II | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Länderkompetenz Niederlande" |
pb056 - Dutch Language Area Studies and Didactics | Seminar | o | o | o | o | o | o |
pb101 - Basic Module: Dutch I | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Dutch II | Exercises | |||||||
PP "Länderkompetenz China" |
pb101 - Basic Module: Chinese I | Exercises | ||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Chinese II | Exercises | |||||||
pb275 - Culture and history of China | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Kustodische Praxis an Universitätssammlungen" |
pb335 - University Collections: History, Potentials, Preventive Conservation | Seminar | ||||||
Lecture | ||||||||
Werkstatt/Labor | ||||||||
pb336 - Researching-Approaches to University Collections | Seminar or exercise | |||||||
Practical training | ||||||||
PP "Neutestamentliches Griechisch" |
pb218 - New Testament Greek I | Seminar | ||||||
pb219 - New Testament Greek II | Seminar | |||||||
pb359 - Griechische Lektüre des Neuen Testaments und der frühchristlichen Literatur | Seminar | |||||||
Seminar or exercise | ||||||||
PP "Medienfaktur. Werkstatt für digitales Lehren und Lernen" |
pb380 - Digitaler Unterricht | Seminar | ||||||
pb381 - Digitale Schule | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Transkulturelle interreligiöse Studien" |
pb117 - Old Testament Hebrew I | Seminar | ||||||
pb360 - Transkulturelle Christliche Studien | Lecture, seminar or reading exercise | |||||||
Seminar | ||||||||
pb361 - Transkulturelle Islamische Studien | Lecture, seminar or reading exercise | |||||||
Seminar | ||||||||
pb382 - Interreligiöse Bildung | Lecture | |||||||
Seminar or exercise | ||||||||
pb383 - Transkulturelle interreligiöse Studien | Seminar | |||||||
VA-Auswahl | ||||||||
PP "be.INSTEP - Begleitung Internationaler in der Studieneingangsphase" |
pb101 - Basic Module: Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian I | Exercises | ||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Chinese I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Japanese I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Spanish I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Russian I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Turkish I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: French I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Swedish I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Italian I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Polish I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Arabic I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Dutch I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Danish I | Exercises | |||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Portuguese I | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Danish II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Croatian/Serbian/Bosnian II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Polish II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Portuguese II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Spanish II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Italian II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Dutch II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Japanese II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Arabic II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Swedish II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Chinese II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Russian II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: French II | Exercises | |||||||
pb102 - Basic Module: Turkish II | Exercises | |||||||
pb388 - Sprachbegleitung internationaler Studierender - Deutsch PLUS | Seminar | |||||||
Tutorial | ||||||||
pb389 - Interkulturelle Begleitung internationaler Studierender - Orientierung PLUS | Seminar | |||||||
Tutorial | ||||||||
pb101 - Basic Module: Ukrainian I | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Medieninformatik für Studierende musisch-künstlerischer Fächer" |
inf017 - Interactive Systems | Lecture | o | |||||
Project | o | |||||||
inf018 - Media Processing | Lecture | o | ||||||
Exercises | ||||||||
inf980 - Introduction to Computer Science | Lecture | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
Exercises | o | o | o | o | o | o | ||
PP "Musik für Studierende der Informatik" |
pb242 - Music Theory for Students of Computer Sciences | Exercises (2 Veranstaltungen Musiklehre) | o | o | o | o | o | o |
pb243 - Media-Musical Practice for Students of Computer Sciences | Exercises (2 Veranstaltungen) | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
pb244 - Musicology for Students of Computer Sciences | Seminar (2 Veranstaltungen) | o | o | o | o | o | o | |
PP "Nachhaltigkeit" |
pb132 - Introduction into Sustainable Development | Seminar | o | |||||
pb191 - Task fields of Sustainability Science I | Seminar | o | ||||||
pb194 - Textiles and Sustainability: Fashion - Media - Marketing | Course or seminar (Seminar mit Vorlesungsanteilen) | |||||||
Exercises (Methodenwerkstatt oder Lektürekurs) | ||||||||
pb399 - Current fields of sustainability science | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Philosophie und Gesellschaft" |
pb080 - Philosophy of Society A | Seminar | o | o | o | o | o | |
pb081 - Philosophy of Society B | Seminar | o | o | o | o | o | ||
PP "Projektmanagement für Studierende der Geistes,- Kultur- und Sprachwissenschaften" |
pb221 - Project Management I: Introduction | Seminar | ||||||
pb222 - Project Management II: Specialization | Seminar | |||||||
PP "Schulsozialarbeit" |
pb238 - Introduction to Social Work in Schools | Lecture | ||||||
Seminar | ||||||||
pb239 - Practices in School Social Work | Seminar | |||||||
pb240 - Aktuelle Forschungsfragen der Schulsozialarbeit | Seminar | |||||||
PP "studium fundamentale" |
pb001 - Nature, Technics and Society | Seminar | o | o | ||||
pb002 - Aesthetic Education | Seminar | o | o | |||||
pb003 - Hermeneutics and Action Orientation | Seminar | o | o | |||||
PP "Textilien und Nachhaltigkeit" |
mkt275 - Project Course Unit: Ecology of Textiles, Consumer Protection and Sustainability | Seminar (Projektseminar) | o | o | ||||
VA-Auswahl (zusätzliche Veranstaltungen) | ||||||||
pb073 - Eco Styles | Seminar | |||||||
Seminar or exercise | ||||||||
pb132 - Introduction into Sustainable Development | Seminar | o | ||||||
pb194 - Textiles and Sustainability: Fashion - Media - Marketing | Course or seminar (Seminar mit Vorlesungsanteilen) | |||||||
Exercises (Methodenwerkstatt oder Lektürekurs) | ||||||||
PP "Wirtschaft für Studierende der Naturwissenschaften" |
pb121 - Economics for Students of Natural Sciences | Lecture | o | o | ||||
Exercises | o | o | ||||||
Seminar | ||||||||
pb122 - Selected Topics of Economics for Science Students | Lecture | o | o | |||||
Exercises | o | o | ||||||
pb125 - Sustainability and Economy | Lecture | |||||||
Exercises | o | o | ||||||
pb410 - Innovation strategies and operational development activities in the chemical industry | Vorlesung und Seminar |