Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree

Module directory - Combinations of field of study and final degree

Combinations of field of study and final degree > Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education) Elementary Mathematics >
Bildungswissenschaften - Master of Education Programme (Special Needs Education)
Category Module Module component Semester
1 2 3
Bildungswissenschaftliche Module
prx540 - Diagnostic Support Placement Seminar (Begleitveranstaltung zum förderdiagnostischen Praktikum insbesondere Förderplanung) o    
Practical training (Praktikum (15 Schultage)) o    
prx545 - School Subject Practical Course Practical training (Begleitveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum)   o o
Seminar (Nachbereitung zur Begleitveranstaltung zum Schulpraktikum)   o o
biw310 - Basics of elementary instruction for special needs education Lecture      
biw315 - School Development Lecture      
biw320 - Diversity and heterogeneity Lecture      
biw330 - Media literacy and digitalization Lecture      
biw335 - Pädagogisches Handeln in der Primarstufe Lecture      
biw340 - Education in practice at secondary schools Lecture      