Information on course of study: Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics (Bachelor)

Information on course of study: Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics (Bachelor)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics (Bachelor)
Duration: 6 Semester
Academic degree: Bachelor of Science
Language: German/English
Type of admission: Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester

Orientation and goals

Today's business world, it is essential for people in leading positions to have a broad knowledge not only of business but also information technology (IT). This can be obtained through the bachelor's programme in Business Informatics. At the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg, there is a special focus on computer science related themes, which offers graduates a good basis for entering IT careers. The master's programme in Business Informatics expands and specialises these skills. The conception, development, introduction, use, and maintenance of operational socio-technological application systems is central to computing science. With regards to this, technological, economic, organisational, and psychosocial aspects are all taken into account. Business Informatics is interdisciplinary and utilises approaches borrowed from business and computer science that expand, integrate, and supplement its own specific approaches. All of the basics of informatics, business administration, and operational applications are covered in this course of studies. These encompass, among other things, the following thematic areas: business informatics methods, procedural models, tools, and systems in solving practice-relevant problems, development of systems in a team.

Course structure and content

Das Bachelorstudium Wirtschaftsinformatik dauert in der Regel 6 Semester (drei Jahre) und enthält Lehrveranstaltungen, die in Modulen organisiert und in vier große Blöcke unterteilt sind. Diese Blöcke bieten sowohl die Vermittlung von grundlegendem Wissen der Wirtschaftsinformatik als auch Wahlmöglichkeiten für eine individuelle Spezialisierung in unterschiedlichen Themen der Wirtschaftsinformatik.
Die ersten beiden Blöcke entsprechen auch den ersten Studien-Abschnitten und enthalten die Basis- und Aufbaumodule, die das Grundwissen in Wirtschaftsinformatik vermitteln. Der dritte Block enthält die Akzentsetzungsmodule, bei denen durch eigene Auswahl ein persönliches Profil entsprechend den eigenen Interessen gebildet werden kann. Im vierten Abschnitt, dem Professionalisierungsbereich, sind wichtige praxisorientierte Module zusammengefasst, in denen u.a. Programmierfähigkeiten verbessert und Teamarbeit erlernt werden. Das Studium wird mit der Bachelorarbeit abgeschlossen.

Teaching and learning

Seminars and practical modules are offered alongside regular lectures with exercises. The software project falls under the scope of the practical modules, during which students gain intensive practical experience in software and system development by completing a smaller software (group) project. The entire programme is also designed to ensure that they learn how to work as part of a team.

Reasons for studying

A degree programme is the best way to learn about business informatics in an interdisciplinary way. The two issues at the heart of business informatics research and teaching at the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg are Very Large Business Applications and system analysis and optimization. Besides research projects, business informatics also plays a significant role in a large number of cooperation projects with parties in the local economy as well as public institutions, in which active technology transfer takes centre stage. Not only can the skills acquired throughout this programme be applied in a professional environment, they also ease the transition from university to the world of work.

Language skills

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency
You can proof your German language proficiency with the following language certificates:

  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 2) or
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 4 in all four areas)

English Language Proficiency see admissions regulations

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B1 or
  • if applicants are native speaker or they have university entrance qualification or a university degree obtained in English

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment. Applicants who need a preparatory German course before commencing their studies must present their knowledge of English with their application. For other proof possiblities see: Language requirements

Admission requirements

International applicants who received their prior education abroad should apply online through uni-assist. For further details see: Application for international students

English Language Proficiency see admissions regulations

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B1 or
  • if applicants are native speaker or they have university entrance qualification or a university degree obtained in English

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment. 

For more details see Foreign language skills on this page.

Careers and areas of work

The business informatics specialist's job description includes in particular the following points:

  • Designing, developing, and introducing operational application systems
  • The further development and introduction of organisational concepts
  • Developing new methods and procedures for the development of information systems
  • Marketing of hardware and software products and applications
  • Support in product planning, product implementation, and product operation
  • Designing and carrying out training sessions for the use of operation information systems. This also includes training and further education measures for manufacturers, users and private or public education institutions
  • Determining managerial responsibilities for IT divisions, technical departments, projects, or for IT companies and consultants.

Further qualification with regards to research activities is possible through the master's programme.

Your contact persons

  • Marx Gómez, Jorge
  • Examinations Office (FK1 and FK2)
  • Contact via AskOne for students
Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Solsbach, Andreas
  • Sauer, Jürgen
  • Student representatives of Computing Science
Questions about studying
  • Studiendekanat.fk2, FK2
  • Study and Career Counselling Service

Documents: Regulations, forms, information

  • Professionalisierungsbereich Blanko (Anlage) docx
  • Antrag auf Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen pdf
Documents P-Amt
  • Prüfungsordnung - allgemeiner Teil 2020 pdf
  • Ordnung über die Durchführung von Prüfungen in elektronischer Form pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich inkl. Praxismodule - Allgemeine Regelungen 2022 (Anlage 3) pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich inkl. Praxismodule - Außerschulisches Berufsziel 2023 (Anlage 3a) pdf
  • Was bedeutet "Änderung der Prüfungsordnung" für Studierende?
  • Anzeige einer Prüfungsunfähigkeit pdf
  • Anmeldung der Abschlussarbeit pdf
  • Modulbescheinigung Bachelor docx
  • Antrag auf Zulassung von Fachmodulen im Professionalisierungsbereich (Austauschmodule) docx
  • Vorziehen von Mastermodulen pdf
  • Antrag auf Notenverbesserung docx
  • Erklärung Abschlussdokumente Bachelor pdf
Examinations and examiners