Information on course of study: Master's Programme Neuroscience (Master)

Information on course of study: Master's Programme Neuroscience (Master)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: Master's Programme Neuroscience (Master)
Duration: 4 Semester
Academic degree: Master of Science
Language: English
Type of admission: Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester

Orientation and goals

This Master programme provides in-depth training in the Neurosciences that is research-oriented and international. It aims to recruit students with a variety of different Bachelor degrees.
The programme is uniquely focussed on sensory neuroscience, which builds on our local strengths as reflected in a number of cooperative research and graduate education programmes. These established structures integrate basic biological research with clinical and applied research on sensory processes. Our Master students are guided towards independent scientific work by direct interaction within internationally recognised research labs. The broad scope of sensory research also offers a wide range of methods to learn, from molecular genetics to systems physiology and behaviour, from mathematical modelling to modern imaging techniques. Finally, our teaching faculty directly reflects the multidisciplinary nature of Neuroscience and also teaches courses in a broad range of related basic disciplines, from Biology to Physics to Psychology and Medicine, providing a unique choice for developing individual strengths and interests.

Course structure and content

Achieving a Master of Neuroscience requires a total of 120 ECTS credits that are usually obtained within four semesters or two years. This includes: 

  • 60 ECTS credits of compulsory elective modules from the “Neuroscience“ curriculum, of those (see Teaching and Learning below):
    • At least 30 ECTS credits of Background Modules
    • At least 15 ECTS credits of Research Modules
    • At least 6 ECTS credits of Skills Modules
  • 30 ECTS credits of elective modules which may be further added from the “Neuroscience“ curriculum, but can also be obtained from other study programmes, both nationally and internationally (subject to individual approval). The import of ECTS credits from other study programmes should be in related disciplines that reasonably complement your studies of Neuroscience.
  • 30 ECTS credits Master thesis work

Focus areas

Our Master of Neuroscience is uniquely focussed on sensory neuroscience. The experimental work uses mainly vertebrate models. Students study the application of different levels of analysis:

  • Molecular
  • Cellular and network
  • Systems / Behaviour

and different methodological approaches in the neurosciences:

  • Molecular, cellular and developmental biology
  • Electrophysiology, neuroanatomy and imaging techniques
  • Behavioural training / psychophysics
  • Statistical data analysis / modelling / simulations

Teaching and learning

The Master of Neuroscience curriculum distinguishes three types of modules that have different aims and teaching formats: 

  • Background Modules provide background knowledge on a neuroscience topic. Courses for 8-20 students are organized in full-time blocks of 2-7 weeks (6, 9 or 15 ECTS credits) and usually consist of lecture, seminar and hands-on practical sessions.
  • Research Modules are individual or small-group student research projects in the supervisor’s lab or in an external research institution. Projects are usually focussed on a specific question of neurosensory science. The aim is to learn and experience independent research, including conducting experiments, researching background literature and presentation of results. Lab time lasts 6-7 weeks (15 ECTS credits).
  • In Skills Modules, professional skills are developed in courses (6 v) for up to 24 students. Topics include programming courses, scientific English, bioethics and lab animal science.

This is complemented by the Master thesis (30 ECTS credits, written thesis and oral defense).

Reasons for studying

  • Clear focus: Sensory systems
  • Levels: From molecule to behavior
  • Science-oriented: Individual student projects in research groups
  • Skills-oriented: Specific skills courses enhance scientific education
  • Hands-on: Almost all courses include lab time or exercises
  • Intensive: Focus on one topic at a time through the block course structure
  • International: All courses in English; a semester abroad is possible
  • Interdisciplinary: Teachers & students with mixed backgrounds, joint courses with Biology & Psychology
  • Flexible: Individual study plans, wide choice of courses
  • Personal: Small groups, close contact to teachers and scientists
  • Future perspectives in Oldenburg: Graduate school, cluster of excellence, collaborative research projects including internationally

Language skills

German language skills are not required for admission.

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg, you need an adequate knowledge of English.

English Language Proficiency see admissions regulations
You can proof your English language proficiency with the following language certificates:

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2
  • if applicants are native speaker or they have university entrance qualification or a university degree obtained in English (within the last four years)

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment. For other proof possiblities see: Language requirements

Admission requirements

  • Applicants must hold a Bachelor’s degree in the fields of Neuroscience, Biology or in another related field of the natural sciences and mathematics (e.g., Psychology, Engineering, Informatics).
  • English language proficiency at level B2 of Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Proof of language proficiency by a higher education entrance qualification or a university degree obtained in English or through one of the following language certificates: TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Advanced Exam, Cambridge Proficiency Exam. Alternatively you must have had an average minimum of 10 points in English language in the last two school years. The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment and may not be older than 4 years.
  • Completed specific eligibility form to accompany the application documents
  • If applicable, proof of relevant work as a student assistant, internships or academic project work (for a period of more than three months) in the field of neuroscience. Such experience must be in addition to the required 12 ECTS credits (Bachelor’s/final thesis in neuroscience)
  • If applicable, proof of academic publications/prizes/awards
  • If applicable, proof of study-relevant experience abroad, i.e., outside the student’s home country, for at least one semester
  • If applicable, proof of at least 6 months of continuous, proven, voluntary civic duties (e.g. committee work, federal voluntary service, family leave)
  • If applicable, proof of at least 12 months of relevant professional experience

For more details see Foreign language skills on this page.

Careers and areas of work

The focus on sensory neuroscience qualifies our graduates for a growing employment sector based on sensory and communication deficits in an ageing society. Having a degree in the English language extends this qualification to a worldwide market. Furthermore, our Master programme allows for flexible combinations of modules to tailor your expertise for different career paths, such as academic research and teaching, leading scientist in the pharmaceutical and medical industry, executive functions in science- and education-related administration, or public relations.

Your contact persons

  • Kretzberg, Jutta
  • Examinations Office (FK5-FK6)
  • Contact via AskOne for students
Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Student representatives of Neuroscience
  • Kretzberg, Jutta
  • Study and Career Counselling Service
Questions about studying
  • Kretzberg, Jutta

Documents: Regulations, forms, information

  • Anzeige einer Prüfungsunfähigkeit pdf
  • Anmeldung der Abschlussarbeit pdf
  • Modulbescheinigung Master docx
  • Erklärung Abschlussdokumente Fachmaster pdf
Examinations and examiners Documents P-Amt Weiterführende Informationen Recognition
  • Blankoformular Master pdf
  • Zugangsordnung Neuroscience M.Sc. pdf