Information on course of study: Molecular and Nanoscale Science (Doctoral Programme)

Information on course of study: Molecular and Nanoscale Science (Doctoral Programme)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: Molecular and Nanoscale Science (Doctoral Programme)
Duration: 6 Semester
Academic degree: Strukturierte Promotion
Language: English
Type of admission:
  • Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester
  • Application/enrolment possible in the summer semester

Orientation and goals

The PhD program offers a structured, research centered and interdisciplinary course program for broadening and improving the physical and chemical knowledge on interfaces, including their preparation, functional interfaces, nanoscale and molecular interfaces, as well as advanced materials. Hereby, applications such as energy conversion, catalysis, photonics and biologic and biomimetic interfaces represent a special focus within the program. The scientific course program is embedded in the research activities of the Center of Interface Science (CIS)

In addition to the scientific course program, the students are trained in communication, presentation and other transferable skills necessary in modern business life.

Course structure and content

Central aspect of the education is to train the competences for independent research. This is mainly obtained by experimental or theoretical work under the surveillance of a university teacher and subsequent graduation in the framework of the current graduation regulations of the faculty for mathematics and science. This usually includes a presentation of the result in form of a PhD thesis and an oral disputation.

In addition to the research, the PhD program offers the possibility to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for modern business life. Therefore, the student can choose from a variety of courses, seminars and external activities.

The current program is oriented on the research activities of the CIS and is completed by different courses for communication, presentation and soft skills.

Admission requirements

Voraussetzung für die Zulassung ist der Nachweis eines mindestens achtsemestrigen Hochschulstudiums und eines Master-, Diplom-, Magister- oder
Staatsexamens-Abschlusses in den Fächern Chemie, Materialwissenschaften, Physik, Informatik, Biochemie, Biologie oder verwandten Fächern.
Weitere Voraussetzungen entnehmen Sie bitte der Zugangsordnung.

Das Aufnahmeverfahren in den Promotionsstudiengang wird von der Graduiertenschule Naturwissenschaft und Technik betreut. Die Bewerbungsformulare finden Sie hier Senden Sie bitte sämtliche Bewerbungsunterlagen an die Graduiertenschule:

Graduate School Science and Technology
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9 - 11
D - 26111 Oldenburg

Die Zulassung zum Promotionsstudiengang erfolgt nach der Zulassungsordnung durch den Zulassungsausschuss.

Application and admission

The Graduate School 'Science and Technology' services the entrance procedure for the PhD degree programmes. Application forms will be found here
Please send all application documents to the Graduate School:

Graduate School 'Science and Technology'
Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Straße 9 - 11
D - 26111 Oldenburg

The admission for a PhD degree programme occurs regarding the admission regulations by the admission commitee.

Your contact persons

Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Dosche, Carsten
  • Study and Career Counselling Service
  • School V