Information on course of study: Structured Doctoral Programme Neurosensory Science and Systems (Doctoral Programme)

Information on course of study: Structured Doctoral Programme Neurosensory Science and Systems (Doctoral Programme)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: Structured Doctoral Programme Neurosensory Science and Systems (Doctoral Programme)
Duration: 6 Semester
Academic degree: Structured doctorate
Language: English
Type of admission:
  • Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester
  • Application/enrolment possible in the summer semester

Orientation and goals

The processing of sensory information from the eye, ear, or tactile system into its "internal representation" will be investigated, analysed and modelled with a multidisciplinary approach. Both the structure and function of certain subsystems will be considered (e.g., neural networks in the retina) as well as their respective cooperative performance in well-defined psychophysical tasks (such as, e.g., loudness perception in normal and hearing-impaired listeners). Special emphasis is placed on object perception and the physiological basis of object representation which is presumably characterized by similarities and interactions across sensory systems. Since the research methods employed cover molecular genetics, single-cell electrophysiology, human and animal psychophysics, EEG recording, fMRT, and numerical modelling, they provide a broad methodological frame for high-level Ph.D. projects. Parts of the results will be used for clinical and technical applications such as improved interpretation of functional images in neurosensory tasks or improved man-machine-communication by employing auditory-model based processing techniques.
The applicants expect that a substantial progress can be made in this area of information processing by a close interaction between neurobiology, psychophysics, numerical modelling and information-technology driven development of algorithms. Also, a special contribution is maintained to train highly qualified young researchers in this rapidly developing and fascinating field.
The university of Oldenburg offers this international programme on neurosensory sciences leading to a PhD degree within three years. The programme is open to people who studied biology, physics, psychology, informatics or related subjects. The training component consists of at least 30 credit points (European Credit Transfer System) and offers courses with theoretical, methodological aspects as well as presentation subjects.
The intensive, research oriented PhD programme is taught by internationally renowned scientists. The aim of the programme is to ensure an efficient interdisciplinary training and high quality research. Within the PhD programme every student mainly works on his or her special research project. She or he becomes a part of one of these science groups under the supervision of the leading professor.

Application and admission

You can apply at any time for a doctorate degree programme.

Admission requirements for doctorate studies are at least eight semester study with a master degree, Diploma degree, a State Exam, 'Magister' or equivalent. Applicants must be enrolled at the University of Oldenburg or may enrole concurrently.

For further information about the admission requirements please see the admission regulations.

Your contact persons

Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Pottek, Mark
  • Study and Career Counselling Service
  • School V