Information on course of study: Bachelor's Programme Mathematics (Bachelor)

Information on course of study: Bachelor's Programme Mathematics (Bachelor)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: Bachelor's Programme Mathematics (Bachelor)
Duration: 6 Semester
Academic degree: Bachelor of Science
Language: German
Type of admission: Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester

Orientation and goals

Mathematics is a very old and fascinating science. The field is still developing dynamically, permeating wide areas of modern industrial society. Mathematics offers diverse methods for analysis and understanding, modelling and simulation, prediction and controlling processes in technology, biological sciences, medicine, economics, and society. The strengths of mathematics like in structural and conceptual clarity, transparency achieved through abstraction, as well as a broad field of application. It is no coincidence that mathematicians work in a wide variety of career areas and institutions. This bachelor's programme is normally followed by the master's programme in Oldenburg. The master's degree is equivalent to the earlier Diplom. Good prerequisites for successfully completing this programme include in interest in problem solving, logical and structural thinking, and geometric imagination. Other qualities that may be beneficial in this programme include a readiness to overcome problems through one's own effort, as well as interest in communicating with others, especially students and later technicians of other disciplines and nationalities.

Language skills

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency
You can proof your German language proficiency with the following language certificates:

  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 2)
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 4 in all four areas)

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment. For other proof possiblities see: Language requirements

Careers and areas of work

On the basis of their broad foundation and capacity for structural analysis and abstract thinking, mathematicians are active in a broad variety of areas. For this reason, they can thrive in a number of different careers, especially insurance and banking, consulting, research and development in industry, scientific institutes, public service, software firms, and in data processing. At this time, a bachelor's degree followed by a master's offers the best career opportunities, as this combination qualifies graduates for challenging mathematical tasks in all areas of business and research. Graduates with only a bachelor's degree also have good opportunities, especially in businesses, which place value on the internal training of young graduates.

Your contact persons

  • Stein, Andreas
  • Examinations Office (FK5-FK6)
  • Contact via AskOne for students
Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Uecker, Hannes
  • Student representatives of Mathematics
  • Stein, Andreas
  • Study and Career Counselling Service
Questions about studying
  • Matthé, Sabine

Documents: Regulations, forms, information

  • Anzeige einer Prüfungsunfähigkeit pdf
  • Anmeldung der Abschlussarbeit pdf
  • Vorziehen von Mastermodulen pdf
  • Antrag auf Zulassung von Fachmodulen im Professionalisierungsbereich (Austauschmodule) docx
  • Modulbescheinigung Bachelor docx
  • Antrag auf Notenverbesserung docx
  • Erklärung Abschlussdokumente Bachelor pdf
Documents Recognition
  • Antrag auf Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich Blanko (Anlage) docx
  • Prüfungsordnung - allgemeiner Teil 2020 pdf
  • Was bedeutet "Änderung der Prüfungsordnung" für Studierende?
  • Professionalisierungsbereich inkl. Praxismodule - Außerschulisches Berufsziel 2023 (Anlage 3a) pdf
  • Ordnung über die Durchführung von Prüfungen in elektronischer Form pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich inkl. Praxismodule - Allgemeine Regelungen 2022 (Anlage 3) pdf
Examinations and examiners