Information on course of study: State Examination Programme Medicine (Staatsexamen)

Information on course of study: State Examination Programme Medicine (Staatsexamen)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: State Examination Programme Medicine (Staatsexamen)
Duration: 12 Semester
Academic degree: State examination
Language: German
Type of admission: Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester


The Model Program in Medicine at the University of Oldenburg offers the study of medicine in close collaboration with Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (the Netherlands). In this joint project of the Universities of Oldenburg and Groningen (European Medical School) a class of 40 students has started every year in the Fall-Winter Term at the University of Oldenburg beginning in 2012-13. Starting in the winter term 2022, the yearly intake of students will be 120 students.

Orientation and goals

The comprehensive subject matter of medical studies is controlled by national licensure regulations in Germany. This subject matter will of course be taught in the model medical studies in Oldenburg, but interconnected in a new way and taught in an integrated and interdisciplinary manner whenever possible. Thus, students will be taught not only the basic science, but will gain knowledge in clinical settings from the very beginning. In addition to the subjects required by the regulations, the Oldenburg program will place special emphasis on training in research processes and communication.
In Oldenburg, medicine will be offered as a so-called “model course of studies”, which makes certain deviations from the generally mandated structures possible.
Medical studies in Oldenburg can be divided into two major phases: In the first three years the basic science and clinical medicine will be taught in an integrated way. In addition, students will receive communication, clinical skills and research training. They will also gain experience with primary health care e.g. through one or two one-week internships with a general practitioner every semester. In the following three years there is an even larger amount of practical experience. In the fourth year, students have diverse internships in hospitals, preceded by preparatory seminars, in addition to their coursework, and in the fifth year they do additional internships and complete a 16-week research project. This is followed by the Internship Year, which is divided into three 16-week partsClasses in the Oldenburg medical school will be in session 40 weeks per year – longer than it is usual in other universities. The standard period of study is 6 years and 3 months.
All students at the University of Oldenburg have the opportunity to spend part of their studies at the University of Groningen.
Students in Oldenburg can also study for 1-3 semesters at the partner university in Groningen. The Dutch language for studies in Groningen can be learned after beginning the program, in regular courses, but it is possible to complete the programme and the optional exchange with Groningen without acquiring competence in the language, since the courses there are offered alternatively in English in the first three years.
During a stay at the partner university in Groningen, the Netherlands, students from Oldenburg will not be required to pay tuition in Groningen.

Language skills

The Dutch language for studies in Groningen can be learned after beginning the program, in regular courses, but it is possible to complete the programme and the exchange with Groningen without acquiring competence in the language. Prospective students must have a very good knowledge of English, since the instruction will take place English.

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency

- DSH Level 2 (German language examination for university entrance) or
- TestDaF Level 4 in all four categories

For further information, please refer to the language requirements

Admission requirements

For international non-EU applicants apply other conditions.

With a university-entry qualification from within the EU, you need to apply through the 'Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung' (in German).
After pre-selection through Hochschulstart or uni-assist the final choice of candidates for admission is made in Oldenburg – see the 'Ordnung zum Auswahlverfahren' (in German).

Application and admission

Die Bewerbung ins 1. Semester zum Wintersemester erfolgt für Bewerber*innen mit deutscher Hochschulzugangsberechtigung und EU-BewerberInnen über die Stiftung für Hochschulzulassung.

Bitte beachten sie die Bewerbungsfristen:

  • Anfang Mai bis 31.05. zum Wintersemester für diejenigen, die ihre Hochschulzugangsberechtigung vor dem 16. Januar des laufenden Jahres erworben haben (so genannte Altabiturienten)
  • Anfang Mai bis 15.07. zum Wintersemester für die "Neuen", die ihre Hochschulzugangsberechtigung zwischen dem 16. Januar bis einschließlich 15. Juli des laufenden Jahres erwerben (so genannte Neuabiturienten)

Internationale Bewerber*innen bewerben sich über 

Bitte beachten Sie auch die weiteren Informationen zum Bewerbungsprozess

Careers and areas of work

With a degree in medicine and the license to practice, the graduate can choose between a large number of professional opportunities. In the practice of medicine itself there are 33 specialties ranging from general practice to neurosurgery, and various kinds of work situations, ranging from private practice to hospital careers to work in public organizations or private industry. Furthermore, graduates can move away from patient-oriented employment to such things as research, teaching, public health, quality management, medical IT and journalism.

Your contact persons

Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Student representatives of Human Medicine
  • Fachstudienberatung Humanmedizin
  • Witt, Karsten
  • Contact form for students
  • Examinations Office (FK5-FK6)
  • Study and Career Counselling Service