Information on course of study: Master Sportwissenschaft (Master)

Information on course of study: Master Sportwissenschaft (Master)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: Master Sportwissenschaft (Master)
Duration: 4 Semester
Academic degree: Master of Arts
Language: German
Type of admission: Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester

Orientation and goals

Sport has a great social significance: as a leisure activity, as a career, or as a media spectacle. Accordingly, involvement in sport and sport related consumption are closely connected to culture, environment, and gender specific lifestyles. As an interdisciplinary generalist area, sports science offers a good opportunity to examine sport related lifestyles from the perspective of social science and well as the natural sciences. The core focus of the master's programme in Sport Science at the University of Oldenburg deals with issues that are important for the future of modern societies, such as the relationship between social situations, cultural tendencies, and human interaction with the body and movement.

Course structure and content

The master's programme Sport Science is designed to consist of 120 credit points and is expected to be completed in 4 semesters. It includes the required modules spo810, spo820 though spo830 with a total of 42 credit points in the general component. In the specialisation phase, students can either choose the module spo840, oriented towards cultural and social studies, or spo850, which is oriented toward the natural sciences. This elective module component is worth 15 credit points, and should be followed by an interdisciplinary module spo860 with 6 credit points.
The application component consists of 3 modules (spo870, spo880, and spo890) worth a total of 27 credit points. In the final module, which takes place in the fourth semester, students write their master's theses (27 credit points). This part is accompanied by a colloquium (3 credit points). 

Further information (in German)

Teaching and learning

There are no lectures in this master's programme. The modules consist of seminars and project oriented colloquia, which are accompanied by tutorials and practice sessions.

Reasons for studying

  • Das Institut für Sportwissenschaft der Carl von Ossietzky-Universität Oldenburg ist ein Institut mit derzeit vier Professuren, an dem die Kommunikation innerhalb der und zwischen den verschiedenen Statusgruppen sehr gut funktioniert. Die Fachschaft leistet hierzu mit ihren Betreuungen der Studienanfänger*innen, vor allem in der Orientierungswoche, einen wertvollen Beitrag.
  • Möglichkeit eines Erasmus-Auslandssemesters

Language skills

In order to study this degree programme at the University of Oldenburg students need an adequate knowledge of German and English.

German Language Proficiency

  • the university entrance qualification or a university degree was acquired in German or
  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 2) or
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 4 in all four areas) or
  • other recognised language certificates at the same level.

English Language Proficiency

  • Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) Level B2 or
  • if applicants have a university degree in an English-language degree programme obtained in a country with English or German as the official language (within the last two years)
  • simple average of the scores in the subject English of the last four course semesters of at least 5 points in the German upper secondary school.

Proof of language proficiency must be available at the latest at the time of enrolment.

Applicants who need a preparatory German course before commencing their studies must present their knowledge of English with their application.
For other proof possibilities see: Language requirements

Admission requirements

Bachelor's degree or equivalent qualification in Sport Science or in a closely related field worth at least 60 credit points.

German and English Language Proficiency see admissions regulations
For more details see "Foreign language skills" on this page

Careers and areas of work

The master's programme in Sport Science is oriented towards both research and career opportunities. It distinguishes itself by interlinking practical, empirical, and theoretical approaches to knowledge. Students in this programme are qualified for interdisciplinary research and conceptual development. This course of studies is all the more important, given the increasing importance of sport as a leisure activity, as well as an instrument of cultural, educational, and health policy. This is not only the case for students of sports science, but also for related disciplines (sociology), (sociology, cultural studies, education, history, psychology political science, medicine, biology, health and dietary science), which are constantly becoming more important and more attractive.
Possible fields of employment for this programme are:

  • research (university, institutes)
  • consultancy (e.g. policy, schools, health insurance companies, sporting clubs, public authorities)
  • Conception (e.g. in sporting organisations and institutions, prevention, integration, youth work

Your contact persons

  • Study and Career Counselling Service
  • Contact via AskOne for students
  • Academic Examinations Office
  • Schorer, Jörg
Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Student representatives of Sport Science
  • Brümmer, Kristina

Documents: Regulations, forms, information

  • Anzeige einer Prüfungsunfähigkeit pdf
  • Modulbescheinigung Master docx
  • Anmeldung der Abschlussarbeit pdf
  • Erklärung Abschlussdokumente Fachmaster pdf
  • Blankoformular Master pdf
Documents P-Amt Examinations and examiners