Information on course of study: Bachelor's Programme Physics (Bachelor)

Information on course of study: Bachelor's Programme Physics (Bachelor)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: Bachelor's Programme Physics (Bachelor)
Duration: 6 Semester
Academic degree: Bachelor of Science
Language: German
Type of admission: Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester

Orientation and goals

Physics covers a wide array of issues concerning everything from the composition of materials and laws of the cosmos to concrete applications in the natural sciences, medicine, and technology. In the bachelor's programme in physics, students acquire a fundamental knowledge of theoretical and experimental physics in a very comprehensive way, paying special attention to current problems and research methods. Furthermore, students are taught to break down fundamental physical problems to the most basic level, describing them mathematically and investigating them through experiments. Additionally, students learn modern computer skills in experimental and theoretical areas, independent and continual further education, as well as scientific communication and presentation. Ideally, students engaged in the bachelor's programme in physics should have a degree of curiosity about understanding the deeper mysteries of nature. Substantial prior knowledge of mathematics would be a considerable advantage for all applicants. In order to improve this knowledge, it is recommended that students participate in a two week course offered by the physics department before the beginning of lectures in the winter semester. Because scientific publications in physics are largely published in English, good English skills would be a great advantage from the beginning on. Adequate English skills are a general requirement when beginning the preparatory phase for the bachelor's thesis.

Language skills

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency
You can proof your German language proficiency with the following language certificates:

  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 2)
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 4 in all four areas)

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment. For other proof possiblities see: Language requirements

Careers and areas of work

The careers open to physicists are multifarious. Physicists work in almost all areas of industry and business that especially require analytical, systematic, and creative skills. Concerning the currently excellent career opportunities for physicists, the 'Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft' says that 'The problem solving competences acquired by physicists during their studies are most welcome by many employers and contribute in an essential way to a sustained development of the high-technology sector in Germany.' (press release of the German Physical Society, March 23, 2019)
The bachelor's degree is a requirement for entry into further academic study in the master's programme in physics. Additionally, it opens the door to an early entry into employment in typical career fields such as production monitoring, physical data logging, the establishment if maintenance of electronic data processing systems, as well as in organisational and testing activities in research institutes, industry, and in public administration.

Your contact persons

Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Solov'yov, Ilia
  • Student representatives of Physics
  • Study and Career Counselling Service
  • Contact via AskOne for students
  • Examinations Office (FK5-FK6)

Documents: Regulations, forms, information

  • Anzeige einer Prüfungsunfähigkeit pdf
  • Anmeldung der Abschlussarbeit pdf
  • Antrag auf Notenverbesserung docx
  • Vorziehen von Mastermodulen pdf
  • Antrag auf Zulassung von Fachmodulen im Professionalisierungsbereich (Austauschmodule) docx
  • Modulbescheinigung Bachelor docx
  • Erklärung Abschlussdokumente Bachelor pdf
  • Antrag auf Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich Blanko (Anlage) docx
Documents P-Amt
  • Prüfungsordnung - allgemeiner Teil 2020 pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich inkl. Praxismodule - Außerschulisches Berufsziel 2023 (Anlage 3a) pdf
  • Ordnung über die Durchführung von Prüfungen in elektronischer Form pdf
  • Was bedeutet "Änderung der Prüfungsordnung" für Studierende?
  • Professionalisierungsbereich inkl. Praxismodule - Allgemeine Regelungen 2022 (Anlage 3) pdf
Examinations and examiners

Postgraduate / combined course of studies

Master subject
  • Master's Programme Physics (Master)
  • Sustainable Renewable Energy Technologies (Master)
  • Master's Programme Engineering Physics (Master)
  • Master's Programme Environmental Modelling (Master)
  • Master's Programme Water and Coastal Management (Master)
  • Master's Programme Sustainability Economics and Management (Master)