Information on course of study: Dual-subject bachelor's programme Low German (Bachelor)

Information on course of study: Dual-subject bachelor's programme Low German (Bachelor)

Deutsch English

Numbers and facts

Course of study name: Dual-subject bachelor's programme Low German (Bachelor)
Duration: 6 Semester
Academic degree: Bachelor of Arts
Language: German
Type of admission: Application/enrolment possible in the winter semester


The career goal of school is being planned and is therefore subject to the approval of the subject Low German as a teaching subject via the Regulation on master's degrees for teaching careers (Nds. MaVO-Lehr).

The subject Low German deals with the Low German language and literature as well as its acquisition and teaching in probably school and non-school contexts.

Low German can be studied within the framework of the two-subject Bachelor's degree:

  • as a first or second subject (60 ECTS credits) 

Low German can be studied either in connection with a non-teaching career goal or probably as a professional teaching qualification*. 
Further information on teaching careers at the University of Oldenburg

It is not possible to combine Low German and German Studies as a Dual-subject Bachelor.

* Information on the planning status can be obtained from the academic counselling service.

Orientation and goals

In the Bachelor's programme, students acquire receptive and productive language skills in Low German on the one hand and knowledge of the basic questions, methods and theories in the subject Low German on the other.

They learn the ability to work scientifically, including the ability to transfer and criticise, and the basic ability to actively and theoretically deal with exemplary areas of Low German philology, understood as linguistics and literary studies. The aim of the study programme is also the ability to apply the acquired knowledge in educational contexts. In doing so, students acquire the basic knowledge of didactic concepts and their history as well as initial competences for teaching subject content against the background of the perception of different learning groups.

Course structure and content

Basic structure:

Six-semester two-subject Bachelor's degree programme with 180 ECTS credits:

  • Subject Low German (60 ECTS credits)
  • Second subject (60 ECTS credits)
  • Professionalisation area (45 ECTS credits)
  • Bachelor's thesis module (15 ECTS credits)

Subject Low German (60 ECTS credits)

Basic curriculum (30 ECTS credits)

  • ndt010 Language and Culture (10 ECTS credits)
  • ndt020 Literature and Culture (10 ECTS credits)
  • ndt033 Acquisition and Teaching (5 ECTS credits)
  • ndt040 Low German I (Language Practice for Beginners) (5 ECTS credits)

Advanced Curriculum (30 ECTS credits)

  • ndt110 Low German II (Advanced Language Practice) (6 ECTS credits)
  • ndt210 Low German Language (6 ECTS credits)
  • ndt310 Low German Literature (6 ECTS credits)
  • ndt410 Older Low German Language and Literature (6 ECTS credits)

Focus areas

The study of Low German comprises four areas: language practice, linguistics, literary studies and subject didactics.

In language practice, you practise reading and understanding non-fiction and literary texts and following Low German radio and television programmes. You acquire the ability to communicate orally in everyday situations and to express your opinion in discussions. You learn to write short messages as well as to discuss a problem in writing.

Linguistics offers an overview of the changes in Low German from Old Low German through Middle Low German to New Low German. Further focal points are the dialectal structure of today's Low German in the areas of pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar, the contact of Low German with High German and Frisian in the context of multilingualism as well as the protection of regional and minority languages in North Germany.

In literary studies, you will gain an overview of the history of Low German literature from its beginnings in the 9th century to the present and of the text types and media in which the Low German language has become productive. You will learn about the history of language as a conditional factor of literature, deal with the relationship of Low German to High German literature and thus develop a concept of Low German literature. You will learn to analyse this as multilingual literature, for example, and to situate it historically and culturally.

The subject didactics of Low German works at the interface of second language and foreign language didactics. Here you acquire language and literature didactic competences and methods. These include, on the one hand, the linguistic skills of listening comprehension, speaking, reading, writing and language mediation and, on the other hand, literary reading. In addition, support and mediation methods are discussed and developed with a view to the sociological and pedagogical conditions of learning groups in schools.

Language skills

Low German language skills are not required.
Knowledge of a foreign language is strongly recommended for the degree programme.

In order to study this course at the University of Oldenburg as a student from outside of Germany, you need an adequate knowledge of German.

German Language Proficiency

  • DSH: Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (Level 2) or
  • TestDaF: Test – Deutsch als Fremdsprache (with level 4 in all four areas)

The proof of language proficiency must be presented for the enrolment.

Applicants who need a preparatory German course before commencing their studies must present their knowledge of English with their application.

For other proof possiblities see: Language requirements

Studying abroad

A stay abroad is not compulsory, but can be realised.

Comparable achievements gained abroad are recognised. In cooperation with the International Office, the Institute (Erasmus representative) advises and supports students intensively in the individual planning and organisation of their stay abroad.

Careers and areas of work

Further qualification is possible through a Master's programme.
The University of Oldenburg offers the subject masters of German Studies or German as a Foreign Language / German as a Second Language.

In addition, the following extracurricular fields of activity are conceivable after the Bachelor's degree:

  • Extracurricular education, adult education
  • Media and publishing (press, radio, television, books)
  • Cultural sector (theatre, literary societies)

Planned school subject Low German

It is planned to establish Master of Education degree programmes following the Bachelor's degree programme with the aim of becoming a teacher at Gymnasien or at Haupt- und Realschulen, which will open up outstanding opportunities for the newly established subject of Low German at Lower Saxony schools.*

* Information on the planning status can be obtained from the academic counselling service.

Your contact persons

Fragen zum Studiengang/-fach
  • Brandt, Doreen
  • Student representatives of German Studies
  • Gehring, Wolfgang
  • Academic Examinations Office
  • Contact via AskOne for students
  • Study and Career Counselling Service

Documents: Regulations, forms, information

Documents P-Amt
  • Was bedeutet "Änderung der Prüfungsordnung" für Studierende?
  • Ordnung über die Durchführung von Prüfungen in elektronischer Form pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich inkl. Praxismodule - Allgemeine Regelungen 2022 (Anlage 3) pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich inkl. Praxismodule - Außerschulisches Berufsziel 2023 (Anlage 3a) pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich - Berufsziel Lehramt 2023 (Anlage 3b) pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich - bes. Bestimmungen Praxismodule im Lehramt GHR, Gym 2020 (Anlage 3c) pdf
  • Anmeldung der Abschlussarbeit pdf
  • Antrag auf Notenverbesserung docx
  • Antrag auf Zulassung von Fachmodulen im Professionalisierungsbereich (Austauschmodule) docx
  • Anzeige einer Prüfungsunfähigkeit pdf
  • Modulbescheinigung Bachelor docx
  • Vorziehen von Mastermodulen pdf
  • Erklärung Abschlussdokumente Bachelor pdf
  • Antrag auf Anerkennung von Prüfungsleistungen pdf
  • Professionalisierungsbereich Blanko (Anlage) docx
Examinations and examiners

Postgraduate / combined course of studies

Kombinationsfach (2FB)
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  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Social Studies (Bachelor)
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  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Special Needs Education (Bachelor)
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  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Gender Studies (Bachelor)
  • Franco-Romance Studies (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) (Bachelor)
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Technology (Bachelor)
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  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme English Studies (Bachelor)
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Education (Bachelor)
  • Hispanic Studies (in cooperation with the University of Bremen) (Bachelor)
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Mathematics (Bachelor)
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Elementary Mathematics (Bachelor)
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education (Bachelor)
  • Dual-subject bachelor's programme Low German (Bachelor)
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