Module directory - courses of study

Module directory - courses of study

Studiengänge > Doctoral Programme > Structured Doctoral Programme Neurosensory Science and Systems > Course: Neurosensory Science and Systems - Structured Doctoral Programme
Neurosensory Science and Systems - Structured Doctoral Programme
Category Module Module component
olt133 - Language courses Course selection
olt134 - Additional module in communication Course selection
olt161 - Transferable skills / Scientific career Course selection
olt165 - Additional module "Transferable Skills" Course selection
olt203 - Special techniques in Neurosensory Science and Systems Course selection
olt204 - Medical basics of Neurosensory Sciences and Systems Course selection
olt205 - Data analysis using Matlab Seminar
olt207 - Colloquium Neurosensory Science and Systems Seminar
olt208 - Additional module "Specific knowledge" Course selection
olt262 - Experimental design and variance analysis Lecture
olt264 - Scientific publishing Seminar
olt209 - Laboratory Animal Science Seminar