pre364 - Thermal Energy Storage (Complete module description)

pre364 - Thermal Energy Storage (Complete module description)

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Module label Thermal Energy Storage
Modulkürzel pre364
Credit points 4.0 KP
Workload 120 h
Institute directory Institute of Physics
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls
  • Master's Programme European Master in Renewable Energy (EUREC) (Master) > Mastermodule
Zuständige Personen
Skills to be acquired in this module
After the completion of the module the student will
- be familiar with main storage materials and technologies and will be able to choose which one is the most adapted to a specific solar application.
- have an understanding of the basic physical phenomena relevant to the principles of operation and design of thermal energy storages.
- have an understanding of the principles of operation and design of thermal energy storages.
- have an understanding of the need to define properly the functionalities of the TES.
- acquire the knowledge of the main technologies and materials used in TES.
- acquire the awareness of the importance of considering the relevant integration of TES in the whole process of application.
- acquire the awareness of the importance of strategy and management in the use of TES.
- acquire the knowledge of the main companies involved in the various aspects of TES (material, envelopes, fluids).
- have a critical understanding of the physical principles used in TES.
- be able to compare the design, operation and performances of the main types of TES.
- be able to choose the relevant TES for a particular application.
- be able to highlight the main limitations of a TES.
- be able to avoid the usual mistakes encountered in TES.
- be able to propose companies providing the various components of TES.
Module contents
1. Overview on Thermal Energy Storage (TES)
- TES definitions
- TES functionalities
- TES basic principles
- TES technologies
- ES hybridations
- ES bottlenecks and current research areas
2. Needs of TES in solar applications
- Resource/demand shift management
- Thermal protection
- Thermal regulation
- Production optimisation
- Process design optimisation
- Process management
3. Available technologies (sensible, latent heat, thermochemical)
- Sensible heat based TES, direct mode.
- Sensible heat based TES, indirect mode.
- Latent heat based TES (organic, inorganic)
- Thermochemical based TES
4. Related materials
- Low temperature TES materials (sensible heat, latent heat, thermochemical, classifications and properties, characterizations)
- High temperature TES materials (sensible heat, latent heat, thermochemical, classifications and properties, characterizations)
5. Heat transfer interfaces and fluids
- Envelops for TES units
- Insulating materials for TES units
- Heat transfer fluids for TES
6. Implementation of TS
- TES integration
- TES instrumentation
- TES charge/discharge assessments
7. Management and strategy of TS
- TES management
- TES strategy
- LTA of TES in Solar Applications
8. Related companies and products
- Companies and products for sensible heat based TES
- Companies and products for latent heat based TES
- Companies and products for thermochemical TES
- Companies and products for envelopes and connections
F. P. Incropera, D.P. DeWitt (ed.): Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, ISBN 0471304603.
A. V. Da Rosa, Elsevier (ed.): Fundamentals of renewable Energy Processes, 2005, ISBN 0120885107.
I. Dincer, M.A. Rosen, Wiley (ed.):Thermal Energy Storage, 2002, ISBN 0471495735.
J.A. Duffie, W.A. Beckman: Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes, Wiley ed., 2006, ISBN 100471698679.
B. Sorensen: Renewable Energy, Elsevier, 2004, ISBN 0126561532.
Gil, A., Medrano, M., Martorell, I., Lazaro, A., Dolado, P., Zalba, B., and Cabeza, L.F.: State of the art on high temperature thermal energy storage for power generation. Part 1-Concepts, materials and modelization, Renew. and Sust. Energy Reviews, 2010, 14, pp. 31-55.
Medrano, M., Gil, A., Martorell, I., Potau, X., and Cabeza, L.F.: State of the art on high temperature thermal energy storage for power generation. Part 2- Case studies, Renew. and Sust. Energy Reviews, 14, pp. 56-72.
Language of instruction English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency jährlich
Module capacity unlimited
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
End of the Semester
Written exam: 2 hours
Form of instruction Seminar