mar570 - Profile Module Introduction to DNA-sequencing and sequence analysis (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)
Modulbezeichnung | Profile Module Introduction to DNA-sequencing and sequence analysis |
Modulkürzel | mar570 |
Kreditpunkte | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h |
Einrichtungsverzeichnis | Institut für Chemie und Biologie des Meeres (ICBM) |
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls |
Zuständige Personen |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | |
Kompetenzziele | The students know how to - manually assemble 16S rRNA gene sequences - assemble metagenomic data - use internet databases for sequence comparison - use the various facilities of the NCBI database - analyze bacterial genomes for presence of specific genes - use ARB, databases and literature data - create phylogenetic trees - design primers and probes - use basic BASH - use basic High-performance computers - use basic R data visualization - present and discuss scientific results |
Modulinhalte | “Introduction into DNA-sequencing and sequence analysis”: The course starts with a lecture on the first two days. During the following days the participants will give seminar talks about different scientific studies for which DNA sequencing was highly relevant. DNA sequencing will be taught in the lab of the working group. Sequence analysis, introduction into the use of various internet databases, the sequence analysis program Genious and the phylogeny program ARB will be demonstrated by individual use of laptops of the institute. |
Literaturempfehlungen | Will be announced in the courses. |
Links | |
Unterrichtssprache | Englisch |
Dauer in Semestern | 1 Semester |
Angebotsrhythmus Modul | annual |
Aufnahmekapazität Modul | 18 |
Modulart | Wahlpflicht / Elective |
Modullevel | AC (Aufbaucurriculum / Composition) |
Lehr-/Lernform | Seminar; practical course |
Vorkenntnisse | Lecture during the course |
Lehrveranstaltungsform | Kommentar | SWS | Angebotsrhythmus | Workload Präsenz |
Seminar | 2 | SoSe | 28 | |
Übung | 4 | SoSe | 56 | |
Präsenzzeit Modul insgesamt | 84 h |
Prüfung | Prüfungszeiten | Prüfungsform |
Gesamtmodul | Announced during the course. |
One assessment of examination: |