inf5120 - Digitalised Energy System Co-Simulation (Complete module description)

inf5120 - Digitalised Energy System Co-Simulation (Complete module description)

Original version English PDF download
Module label Digitalised Energy System Co-Simulation
Module code inf5120
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Institute directory Department of Computing Science
Applicability of the module
  • Master's Programme Computing Science (Master) > Angewandte Informatik
  • Master's programme Digitalised Energy Systems (Master) > Digitalised Energy System Design and Assessment
Responsible persons
  • Bremer, Jörg (module responsibility)
  • Lehrenden, Die im Modul (authorised to take exams)

Programming mit Python, Simulation-based Smart Grid Engineering and Assessment

Skills to be acquired in this module

Successfully completing this lecture will enable the students to mathematically model simple controllable  electrical generators and consumers and to simulate them together with appropriate control algorithms  within smart grid scenarios. To achieve this goal, student will start with deriving computational models  from physical models and by evaluating them. In order to manage the integration of control algorithms.  Students are taught the principles of cosimulation using the example of the "mosaik" smart grid  cosimulation framework.
Students are put into the position to understand and apply distributed, agent- based control schemes to decentralised energy generators and/or consumers. As a result, students are able  to analyze the requirements for successful application to real power balancing regarding capacity utilization, robustness, and flexibility. In addition, students practically apply the foundations for planning  and conducting simulation based experiments as well as the interpretation of the results. Attention is especially paid to a tradeoff between precision and robustness of the results and the necessary efforts (design of experiments) in order to gain as much insight into interdependencies with as few experiments.
Profesional competence
The student:

  • derive and evaluate computational models from physical models
  • use the "mosaik" smart grid cosimulation framework
  • analyze the requirements for successful application to real power balancing regarding capacity  utilization, robustness, and flexibility
  • name the foundations for planning and conducting simulation based experiments as well as the  interpretation of the results
  • are aware to the tradeoff between precision and robustness of the results and the necessary efforts (design of experiments) in order to gain as much insight into interdependencies with as few experiments.

Methological competence
The student:

  • model simple controllable electrical generators and consumers
  • simulate simple controllable electrical generators and consumers with appropriate control algorithms within smart grid scenarios
  • apply distributed agent-based control schemes to decentralised energy generators and/ or consumers
  • evaluate simulation results
  • search information and look into methods to implement models
  • propose hyphothesis and ckeck their validity with simulation experiments

Social competence
The student:

  • apply the development technique pair programming
  • discuss design decisions
  • identify work packages and take responsibility for it

The student:

  • reflect on their own use of the limited resource power
  • accept and use criticism to develop their own behaviour
Module contents

In this practical course students:

  • mathematically model controllable, modulating electrical energy generators and consumers and translate them to executyble simulation models,
  •  put hands on mosaik (installation, description and configuration of scenarios, conduction of simulations),
  • learn the principles of co-simulation of energy systems,
  • learn about the challenges of implementing coordination mechanisms (multi-criticality, convergency, quality) on the training,
  • apply foundations of design of experiments to practical simulation based experiments.
Recommended reading

Smart Grids:

  • Konstantin, P.: "Praxisbuch Energiewirtschaft", Springer, 2006
  • Schwab, A.: "Elektroenergiesysteme", Springer, 2009


  • Sutton, R. S.; Barto, A. G.: "Reinforcement Learning", MIT Press, 1998- Weiss, G.: "Multiagent Systems", MIT Press, 2013
  • Ferber J.; Kirn, S.: "Multiagentensysteme: eine Einführung in die Verteilte Künstliche lntelligenz", Addison-Wesley, 2001


  • Ptolemaeus, C.: "System Design, Modeling, and Simulation", UC Berkeley, 2013
  • Law, A.: "Simulation Modeling and Analysis", McGraw-Hill, 2015


  • Kleppmann, W.: "Versuchsplanung", Hanser, 2013
  • Klein, B.: "Versuchsplanung - DoE", Oldenbourg, 2011
  • Goos, P.; Jones, B.: "Optimal Design of Experiments", Wiley, 2014
  • Box, G. E. P.; Hunter, J. S.; Hunter, W. G.: "Statistics for Experimenters", Wiley, 2005
  • Forrester, A.; Sobester, A.; Keane, A.: "Engineering Design via Surrogate Modelling", Wiley, 2008
Language of instruction English
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency every summer term
Module capacity unlimited
Teaching/Learning method PR
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module

At the end of the lecture time

Practikal Work
A practical assignment includes the theoretical preparation, set-up and execution of a design task on the basis of a case study or the experiment as well as the written presentation of the work steps, the steps, the process and the results of the experiment and their critical evaluation.

Type of course Project
Frequency SuSe
Workload attendance time 28 h