pre131 - Design and Simulation of Wind Turbines (Complete module description)
Module label | Design and Simulation of Wind Turbines |
Module code | pre131 |
Credit points | 12.0 KP |
Workload | 360 h |
Institute directory | Institute of Physics |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Prerequisites | |
Skills to be acquired in this module | After successful completion of the module students should be able to: - critically contribute to the discourse on wind energy design and simulation - explain and evaluate technical details of a wind energy converter - decide and to defend a design of a wind energy converter - recommend on technical details of a wind energy converter - transfer their knowledge to more complex topics such as simulation and measurements of dynamic loads - assess different aspects of wind energy farms by modelling, comparison, explanation of wind energy potential, wind energy farm’s output, power curves, wind energy project development - assess in detail influences of meteorological/climatological aspects on the performance of wind power systems - summarize physical processes governing atmospheric wind flows - value atmospheric boundary layer flow relevant for wind power conversion |
Module contents | Content of the module: The module accesses wind energy from a rather technical approach. Design of Wind Energy Systems (Lecture & Project ‑ 180 h workload) - Calculation of the aerodynamics of wind turbines using the blade element momentum theory, - Specific design situations for wind turbines, - Estimation of the influence of dynamics of a wind turbine, especially in the context of fatigue loads, - Aeroelastic simulation of wind turbines - Annual Energy Production (AEP) - Design of a commercial (equivalent) wind turbine Advanced Wind Energy Meteorology (Lecture ‑ 90 h workload) - Atmospheric Boundary Layer (turbulence, vertical structure, special BL effects) - Atmospheric Flow Modelling: Linear models, RANS & LES models - Wind farm modelling - Offshore-Specific Conditions - Resource Assessment & Wind Power Forecasting - Wind Measurements & Statistics Wind Energy Applications - from Wind Resource to Wind Farm Operations (Lecture ‑ 90 h workload) - Evaluation of Wind Resources
- Wake Effect and Wind Farm
- Wind Farm Business
Recommended reading | |
Links | |
Languages of instruction | German, English |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Type of module | Wahlpflicht / Elective |
Module level | BC (Basiscurriculum / Base curriculum) |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | 1 Prüfungsleistung: Klausur (3h) oder Präsentation (30 min.) oder mündliche Prüfung (45 min.) oder fachpraktische Übungen (max. 10) oder Hausarbeit (max. 30 Seiten) |
Type of course | Lecture |
SWS | 6 |
Frequency | SuSe and WiSe |
Workload attendance time | 84 h |