mtl120 - Costs and Economics of Technology Enhanced Learning (Vollständige Modulbeschreibung)
Modulbezeichnung | Costs and Economics of Technology Enhanced Learning |
Modulkürzel | mtl120 |
Kreditpunkte | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h
( 180 hours (self-study: approx. 80 hours; learning activities: approx. 80 hours; participation: approx. 20 hours) )
Einrichtungsverzeichnis | Institut für Pädagogik |
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls | |
Zuständige Personen |
Weitere verantwortliche Personen |
Christine Walti |
Teilnahmevoraussetzungen | mtl100 Principles, Theory, and Practice of Technology Enhanced Learning |
Kompetenzziele | At the end of this course, students should be able to:
Modulinhalte | This course presents a study of the economics of technology enhanced learning within the larger context of the economics of education. A variety of methodological approaches (including cost/benefit and cost/effectiveness analysis) are applied within the context of technology enhanced learning environments. A variety of costing techniques and economic models are explored and applied to different institutional forms and levels of distance education and TEL environments. |
Literaturempfehlungen | All course materials will be provided as open education resources (OER). |
Links | |
Unterrichtssprache | Deutsch |
Dauer in Semestern | 15 weeks Semester |
Angebotsrhythmus Modul | This module will be offered once every semester. |
Aufnahmekapazität Modul | unbegrenzt |
Modulart | Pflicht / Mandatory |
Modullevel | MM (Mastermodul / Master module) |
Lehr-/Lernform | Internet-based discussion forums, group activities, learning activities, webinars, selfstudy, online seminars with guest experts |
Vorkenntnisse | Proficiency in internet and Microsoft Office use; self-organization skills |
Prüfung | Prüfungszeiten | Prüfungsform |
Gesamtmodul | At the end of the semester |
Students must successfully complete learning activities (PASS/FAIL) throughout the course, as well as regularly participate in discussion forums and group activities. ECTS points will be awarded upon successful completion of the portfolio, which includes the results of all course learning activities (e.g., brief essay, case study, expert interviews, report, reflective learning journal, small group project, debate, bibliography/annotation). Learning activities will be graded as PASS/FAIL. At mid-semester, students will receive a progress report regarding their status in class, along with feedback for improvement. The final examination grade will be assigned to the portfolio submitted by the student at the end of the semester. |
Lehrveranstaltungsform | Seminar |
SWS | 4 |
Angebotsrhythmus | SoSe oder WiSe |
Workload Präsenzzeit | 56 h |