inf804 - Special Topics in Computer Science II (Complete module description)
Module label | Special Topics in Computer Science II |
Modulkürzel | inf804 |
Credit points | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h |
Institute directory | Department of Computing Science |
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls |
Zuständige Personen |
Prerequisites | The expected previous knowledge is specified in the details of the assigned course. |
Skills to be acquired in this module | This module integrates current computer science developments within appropriate study courses. Professional competence
Methodological competence
Social competence
Module contents | According to the assigned course |
Literaturempfehlungen | According to the assigned course |
Links | |
Languages of instruction | German, English |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | irregularly |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Reference text | If more than one course is assigned to the module, you should generally select courses totalling 4 SWS, e.g. a lecture with an associated tutorial. Further information can be found in the description (details) of the assigned courses. |
Teaching/Learning method | VA aus V, Ü, S, P, PR |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | Exercises or presentation or oral exam or written exam |
Form of instruction | VA-Auswahl |
SWS | 4 |
Frequency | siehe Angebotsrhythmus Modul |
Workload Präsenzzeit | 56 h |