wir852 - International Management (Complete module description)
Module label | International Management |
Module code | wir852 |
Credit points | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h |
Institute directory | Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics) |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Prerequisites | keine |
Skills to be acquired in this module | The module consists of lecture as well as seminar elements which interlink with each other on a technical and didactical level. By alternating lectures, discussions, and training elements, students get to know the theoretical basics as well as the practical relevance of the module topics. They get the chance to integrate themselves, their theoretical knowledge and practical experiences, and to exchange views with the other students and the lecturer. Different teaching and learning methods support the student’s professional, methodological, social-communicative, and personal competences, e. g. via station learning, role plays and debates, thesis discussions and case study analysis. They work within the entire group as well as small groups. Attending the course, students - develop a solid knowledge of this broad subject and are able to relate the various scientific and practical findings with each other and also understand them on a macro-level; - understand the complex issues, challenges and fields of action in International Management; - are able to analyse, interpret and manage international economic and business issues within heterogeneous (above all cultural) fields of stakeholders and environments; - can effectively analyse and apply the strategic, structural and cultural instruments in International Management according to the specific practical context; - develop skills of self-reflection (supported by the technical and didactical concepts) and are able to press their point within the scientific discussion;
Module contents | Students gain theoretical as well as practical insights in the backgrounds and specific characteristics of International Management. A specific focus will (as a last point) be laid on international Human Resource Management as it provides notably relevant issues in international business administration. Students deal with foundations, challenges and possible fields of action within the following topics:
The presentations and discussions also offer possibilities to deepen and broaden these topics according to the students interests and latest developments in theory and practice. |
Recommended reading | Festing, M. / Dowling, P. J. / Weber, W. / Engle, A. D. (2011), Internationales Personalmanagement, 3rd edition, Gabler, Wiesbaden. Holtbrügge, D. / Welge, M. K. (2015), Internationales Management. Theorien, Funktionen, Fallstudien, 6th edition, Schäffer Poeschel, Stuttgart. Kutschker, M. / Schmid, S. (2011), Internationales Management, 7th edition, Oldenbourg, München. Perlitz, M. / Schrank, R. (2013), Internationales Management, 6th edition, UTB Konstanz/ München. Further literature will be announced during the semester according to the particular lecture/seminar content. |
Links | www.uol.de/orgpers |
Language of instruction | German |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | jährlich |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Type of course | Comment | SWS | Frequency | Workload of compulsory attendance |
Seminar | 2 | -- | 28 | |
Seminar | 2 | 28 | ||
Total module attendance time | 56 h |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | Depending on the type of examination during the lecture period, at the end of the lecture period or at the end of the semester |
Seminar paper or presentation or written exam or oral exam or portfolio or project report (will be fixed and announced at the beginning of the semester by the lecturer) |