mar736 - Energy Systems (Complete module description)
Module label | Energy Systems |
Module code | mar736 |
Credit points | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h
( Kontaktzeit: 56 h, Selbststudium: 124 h |
Institute directory | Institute for Chemistry and Biology of the Marine Environment |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Prerequisites | none |
Skills to be acquired in this module | Energy Systems - characterise the global energy system and its structure and constraints - analyse the potential for improving the global energy system based on energy and exergy efficiencies - understand the basic relationship between global energy supply and climate change - understand recent and future changes of electricity supply due to increasing fluctuating renewables and ‘smart’ technologies
Future Power Supply Systems - explain the management, modelling and power balancing within future electricity grid configurations with high shares of fluctuating and distributed generation - appraise the main components (incl. chemical storage options) involved in future AC-grid concepts - categorise different grid-designs, including mini- and micro-grids |
Module contents | Energy Systems - Definitions, resources & reserves - Global resources & potentials: fossil energies, renewable energies - Energy system analysis: Efficiencies at various levels of the energy chain; Exergy analysis - Energy scenarios - Climate Change - Advanced conventional (power plant) technologies - Electric power systems with large shares of renewables
Future Power Supply Systems - Fundamentals, structure, technologies and operation of electricity grids (incl. balancing power, voltage management, etc.) - Distributed generation of fluctiuating power - Transmission and distribution grids, storage, vehicle-to-grid-concepts, smart inverters, heat pumps/CHP - Different electricity markets (Futures Market, Day-Ahead-Market, Intraday-Market, Balancing Power Market, Self-Consumption) - “Smart City”, “Smart Grid”, “Smart Home”, Mini- and Micro-Grids - Chemical energy carriers: power-to-gas (e.g. methane) and power-to-liquids (e.g.methanol) |
Recommended reading | Will be presented during the classes. |
Links | |
Languages of instruction | German, English |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Type of module | Wahlpflicht / Elective |
Module level | MM (Mastermodul / Master module) |
Teaching/Learning method | Winter- und Sommersemester VL Energy Systems (3 KP) (WiSe) VL Future Power Supply Systems (3 KP) (SoSe) |
Previous knowledge | Basic knowledge in mathematics & physics |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | Klausur am Ende der Veranstaltungszeit oder fachpraktische Übungen oder mündliche Prüfung oder Portfolio nach Maßgabe der Dozentin oder des Dozenten |
KL |
Type of course | Lecture |
SWS | 4 |
Frequency | SuSe or WiSe |
Workload attendance time | 56 h |