wir829 - Development directions in Marketing Research (Complete module description)
Module label | Development directions in Marketing Research |
Module code | wir829 |
Credit points | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h |
Institute directory | Department of Business Administration, Economics and Law (Economics) |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Prerequisites | Successful completion of the entrance examination |
Skills to be acquired in this module | Upon completion of the module, students will be able to:
Module contents | How is knowledge generated within the scholarly discipline of marketing? This question confronts the field of marketing with central paradigmatic assumptions. The course begins to solve this puzzle on the basis of a historical analysis of the marketing concept's development. Different scientific standpoints in marketing theory and empirical investigation are evaluated against the light of recent developments in markets and society. The current paradigms of consumption research and marketing research's basic standing in the philosophy of science are intensely treated. This also entails reflecting on the opportunities that alternative trends, e.g. a humanistic paradigm, hold in store for marketing research. The course is divided into a preparatory seminar and an educational workshop towards the end of the term. The latter unit allows case study and role play as well as the presentation student work and boosts social competences irrespective of subject matter. |
Recommended reading | Kroeber-Riel, W. & Weinberg, P. (2008), Konsumentenverhalten. München. Pepels, W. (1995), Käuferverhalten und Marktforschung. Stuttgart. Aaker, D. et al. (1995), Marketing research. New York. Raffée, H. (1979), Marketing und Umwelt. Stuttgart. Raffée, H. (1974), Grundprobleme der Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Göttingen. Holzmüller, H.H. (1995), Konzeptionelle und methodische Probleme in der interkulturellen Management- und Marketingforschung. Stuttgart. Menniken, C. (2000), Interkulturelles Marketing, Wirkungszusammenhänge zwischen Kultur, Konsumverhalten und Marketing. Wiesbaden. Bubik, R. (1996), Geschichte der Marketing-Theorie: historische Einführung in die Marketing-Lehre. Frankfurt am Main. Fischer-Winkelmann, W. F. & Rock, R. (ed.) (1976), Zur Kritik der Markt- und Marketing-Theorie, Band II: Kritik der Marketing-Theorie. München. Forschungsgruppe Unternehmen und gesellschaftliche Organisation (FUGO) (2004): Perspektiven einer kulturwissenschaftlichen Theorie der Unternehmung. Marburg. Backhaus, K. et al. (ed.) (year): Multivariate Analysemethoden. Berlin. Further literature to be announced at the start of the term. |
Links | www.uni-oldenburg.de/marketing |
Language of instruction | German |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | jährlich |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Reference text | The module consists of a preparatory period (approximately 4 sessions on campus) as well as one educational workshop outside of Oldenburg |
Type of course | Comment | SWS | Frequency | Workload of compulsory attendance |
Lecture | 1 | -- | 14 | |
Seminar | 3 | WiSe | 42 | |
Total module attendance time | 56 h |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | during the term |
examination paper and presentation |