pb225 - Renewable Energies I (Complete module description)

pb225 - Renewable Energies I (Complete module description)

Original version English PDF download
Module label Renewable Energies I
Module code pb225
Credit points 6.0 KP
Workload 180 h
Präsenzzeit: 56 Stunden Selbststudium: 124 Stunden
Institute directory Institute of Physics
Applicability of the module
  • Bachelor's Programme Biology (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Business Administration and Law (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Business Informatics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Chemistry (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Comparative and European Law (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Computing Science (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Education (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Engineering Physics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Environmental Science (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Intercultural Education and Counselling (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Mathematics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Physics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Physics, Engineering and Medicine (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Social Studies (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Bachelor's Programme Sustainability Economics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Art and Media (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Biology (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Chemistry (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Computing Science (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Dutch Linguistics and Literary Studies (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Economic Education (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Economics and Business Administration (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Education (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Elementary Mathematics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme English Studies (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Gender Studies (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme General Education (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme German Studies (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme History (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-subject bachelor's programme Low German (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Material Culture: Textiles (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Mathematics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Music (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Philosophy / Values and Norms (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Physics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Politics-Economics (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Protestant Theology and Religious Education (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Slavic Studies (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Social Studies (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Special Needs Education (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Sport Science (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Dual-Subject Bachelor's Programme Technology (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
  • Fach-Bachelor Pädagogisches Handeln in der Migrationsgesellschaft (Bachelor) > Fachnahe Angebote Physik
Responsible persons
  • Kühn, Martin (module responsibility)
  • Avila Canellas, Kerstin (authorised to take exams)
  • Knipper, Martin (authorised to take exams)
  • Kühn, Martin (authorised to take exams)
Skills to be acquired in this module
Introduction to physical principles and application of renewable energies, with special emphasis on energy conversion, utilization and planning. The student will be able to understand the funda-mental principles of renewable energy technologies. In either the field of wind energy or photovoltaics the student will be able to determine the natural resources, to analyse the physical principles and to design a basic energy converter/power plant. In addition, the student will be able to assess the economics and ecological effects.
Module contents
Introduction to Renewable Energies: Energy supply and demand; energy use & climate change, energy resources; renewable energy sources (resources, technology & application): photovoltaics, solar thermal systems and power plants, wind power, hydropower, geothermal energy, biomass; hydrogen technology and fuel cells; energy storage; sustainable energy supply. Wind Energy Utilization: history and prospects, wind resources, typology and function of wind energy converters, aerodynamic design, basic characteristics and power control, mechanical and electrical design of wind tur-bines for grid connection or stand-alone, loads and dynamics, wind farms, offshore wind power, economics, ecological and political aspects. Photovoltaics: Introduction to solar cells, properties of sunlight, p-n junction physics, operation of solar cells, cell characterization (I-V curve under dark and illumination, conditions, cell efficiency, fill factor, short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage), PV technologies (single crystalline Si cells, micro-, poly-, and multi-crystalline Si cells, amorphous Si cells, III-V multijunction cells, concentrator PV, CIGS solar cells, CdTe solar cells, Dye-sensitized solar cells, organic solar cells), nanotechnology and solar cells, module manufacturing, PV economics.
Recommended reading
1. J. Twidell & T. Weir: Renewable Energy Resources, 2nd Ed., Taylor & Francis, BIS 2. R. Gasch, J. Twele, Wind Power Plants, Springer, BIS, - bzw. R. Gasch, J. Twele, Windkraftanlagen, Teubner, BIS 3. P. Würfel: Physik der Solarzellen. VCH-Wiley, Weinheim, BIS 4. A. Goetzberger, B. Voß, J. Knobloch: Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, John Wiley & Sons Ltd., BIS 5. J. Nelson: The Physics of Solar Cells, Imperial College Press, London, BIS.
Languages of instruction
Duration (semesters) 1 Semester
Module frequency Sommersemester
Module capacity unlimited
Type of module je nach Studiengang Pflicht oder Wahlpflicht
Module level PB (Professionalisierungsbereich / Professionalization)
Teaching/Learning method VL: 4 SWS, Ü: 2 SWS
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module
Type of course Seminar