inf900 - Group Project (Complete module description)

inf900 - Group Project (Complete module description)

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Module label Group Project
Modulkürzel inf900
Credit points 24.0 KP
Workload 720 h
Institute directory Department of Computing Science
Verwendbarkeit des Moduls
  • Master's Programme Business Informatics (Master) > Kernmodule
  • Master's Programme Computing Science (Master) > Kernmodule
  • Master's Programme Engineering of Socio-Technical Systems (Master) > Systems Engineering
Zuständige Personen
  • Boles, Dietrich (module responsibility)
  • Boll-Westermann, Susanne (module responsibility)
  • Marx Gómez, Jorge (module responsibility)
  • Peter, Andreas (module responsibility)
  • Lehrenden, Die im Modul (Prüfungsberechtigt)

Useful prerequisites: Good skills in programming and software development, as well as soft skills and knowledge in project management.

Skills to be acquired in this module

Participants primarily acquire specialized knowledge, skills, and competencies in the area of the assigned topic. Due to the size and complexity of the topics and their team-based approach, participants develop key competencies such as project management, teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and conflict resolution. For topics focused on software development, skills and knowledge in software engineering are also conveyed.

Subject Competencies 

The students:

  • recognize and evaluate the techniques and methods applicable in their specialty and their limitations
  • design solutions for complex, possibly poorly defined, or unusual tasks in the field of computer science and evaluate such designs according to the state of the art
  • identify, structure, and solve problems even in new or emerging areas of their discipline
  • apply state-of-the-art and innovative methods to investigate and solve problems, possibly drawing on other disciplines
  • relate knowledge from different disciplines and apply these synergies in complex situations
  • develop complex computer systems, processes, and data models
  • evaluate and validate developed approaches and methods through empirical or theoretical analyses
  • recognize the limits of current knowledge and technology and contribute to the further scientific and technological development of computer science
  • discuss current developments in computer science and assess their significance
  • formulate scientific hypotheses and conduct theoretical and practical investigations to validate them
  • document and present research results according to scientific standards


Method Competencies 

The students:

  • find and design one or more approaches to solutions
  • evaluate tools, technologies, and methods and apply them in a differentiated manner
  • investigate problems using technical and scientific literature
  • plan timelines and other resources
  • apply project management techniques
  • creatively develop new and original approaches and methods
  • conduct systematic and thorough literature searches to determine the current state of research
  • use scientific databases and other resources to support their research
  • validate developed methods and models through theoretical or practical tests
  • write articles according to scientific principles and present their results in scientific lectures


Social Competencies 

The students:

  • integrate criticism into their own actions
  • respect the decisions made in the team
  • communicate convincingly orally and in writing with users and professionals
  • identify sub-tasks and take responsibility for them
  • work effectively in interdisciplinary teams, respecting different professional perspectives
  • discuss and defend their research results in scientific discussions and forums



The students:

  • take on leadership roles in the team
  • critically follow further developments in computer science in general and in their specialty
  • carry out innovative activities in their field successfully and independently
  • recognize the limits of their competence and expand them in a targeted manner
  • reflect on their self-image and actions from professional, methodological, and social perspectives
  • develop and reflect on their own theories based on independently formulated hypotheses
  • work independently in their field
  • show initiative and self-discipline in pursuing scientific questions
  • plan and structure research work independently and efficiently
Module contents

Collaborative work (in a suitably sized team) on a larger task in the field of computer science, requiring a methodical and systematic approach tailored to the specific task. The project groups will focus on the research topics of Oldenburg Computer Science. If the project centers on software development, the methods and techniques taught in the computer science curriculum should be systematically applied.


Will be announced in the associated course


Languages of instruction German, English
Duration (semesters) 2 Semester
Module frequency semi-anual
Module capacity unlimited
Reference text

The topics available for selection by the project groups are typically presented at the end of the lecture period of the preceding semester. Following this, there is an opportunity to register for a topic. Only those topics that receive a minimum number of registrations will actually be offered as courses.

Teaching/Learning method PG
Examination Prüfungszeiten Type of examination
Final exam of module

accompanying the course


Form of instruction Project group
SWS 16
Frequency SoSe und WiSe
Workload Präsenzzeit 112 h