inf900 - Group Project (Complete module description)
Module label | Group Project |
Module code | inf900 |
Credit points | 24.0 KP |
Workload | 720 h |
Institute directory | Department of Computing Science |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Prerequisites | Useful prerequisites: Good skills in programming and software development, as well as soft skills and knowledge in project management. |
Skills to be acquired in this module | Participants primarily acquire specialized knowledge, skills, and competencies in the area of the assigned topic. Due to the size and complexity of the topics and their team-based approach, participants develop key competencies such as project management, teamwork, problem-solving abilities, and conflict resolution. For topics focused on software development, skills and knowledge in software engineering are also conveyed. Subject Competencies The students:
Method Competencies The students:
Social Competencies The students:
Self-Competencies The students:
Module contents | Collaborative work (in a suitably sized team) on a larger task in the field of computer science, requiring a methodical and systematic approach tailored to the specific task. The project groups will focus on the research topics of Oldenburg Computer Science. If the project centers on software development, the methods and techniques taught in the computer science curriculum should be systematically applied. |
Recommended reading | Will be announced in the associated course |
Links | |
Languages of instruction | German, English |
Duration (semesters) | 2 Semester |
Module frequency | semi-anual |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Reference text | The topics available for selection by the project groups are typically presented at the end of the lecture period of the preceding semester. Following this, there is an opportunity to register for a topic. Only those topics that receive a minimum number of registrations will actually be offered as courses. |
Teaching/Learning method | PG |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | accompanying the course |
project |
Type of course | Project group |
SWS | 16 |
Frequency | SuSe and WiSe |
Workload attendance time | 112 h |