lök260 - Restoration of terrestrial Ecosystems (Complete module description)
Module label | Restoration of terrestrial Ecosystems |
Module code | lök260 |
Credit points | 6.0 KP |
Workload | 180 h |
Institute directory | Institute for Biology and Environmental Sciences |
Applicability of the module |
Responsible persons |
Prerequisites | Basic knowledge in Ecology, Vegetation Science, and Zoology, comparable to the respective Bachelor modules in Environmental Sciences |
Skills to be acquired in this module | The participants will become acquainted with the possibilities and limits of renaturation and restoration projects in terrestrial ecosystems. This implies an extensive knowledge in autecology and population ecology of selected species on the one hand; on the other hand, monitoring by means of hydrological and/or pedological parameters as well as based on the vegetation and selected animal groups is crucial for evaluating such projects. In cooperation with the respective project management, student groups will contribute to the evaluation and advancement of the respective project as well as similar project(s) by performing individual records, analyses and assessments. Ranking/position of the module within the course of studies: The module is closely related to the Master modules “Practice of Nature Conservation“, “Special Ecology“ and “Ecology of Soil-Water-Plant Systems“ and comprises questions of scientific and applied nature conservation. |
Module contents | Theory and Practice of Restoration Ecology (L): The lecture deals with the fundamentals of Restoration Ecology and exemplarily with the biotope systems fen and bog, grassland and heath. Restoration of Terrestrial Ecosystems (LC): The participants collect data contributing to the evaluation of current restoration projects (Hudewald, mesophilic grassland, heath, oligotrophic stagnant waters). |
Recommended reading | Bakker, J.P.: Nature management by grazing and cutting. Dordrecht 1989. Van Andel, J., Bakker, J.P., Snaydon, R.: Disturbance in grasslands. Dordrecht 1987. Zerbe, S. & Wiegleb, G. (Hrsg.): Renaturierung von Ökosystemen in Mitteleuropa. Heidelberg 2009. Schopp-Guth, A.: Renaturierung von Moorlandschaften. Bonn 1999. Nick, K.J. et al.: Moorregeneration im Leegmoor/Emsland nach Schwarztorfabbau und Wiedervernässung. Bonn 2001. Wheeler, B.D.. et al.: Restoration of temperate wetlands. Baffins Lane u.a. 1995. Perrow, M.R. & Davy, A.J.: Handbook of ecological restoration; 2 volumes. Cambridge 2002. Additional literature will be announced during the course, if necessary. |
Links | https://www.uni-oldenburg.de/vegetationskunde/ |
Language of instruction | English |
Duration (semesters) | 1 Semester |
Module frequency | jährlich |
Module capacity | unlimited |
Type of course | Comment | SWS | Frequency | Workload of compulsory attendance |
Lecture and seminar | 2 | -- | 28 | |
Exercises | 2 | -- | 28 | |
Total module attendance time | 56 h |
Examination | Prüfungszeiten | Type of examination |
Final exam of module | Before the end of the module |
Seminar paper or assignment |